Forgotten Australians: Commemoration Will Start The Healing Process

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17th September 2009, 12:50pm - Views: 702
Commemoration Will Start the Healing Process


SEPTEMBER 17, 2009

The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies (ACWA) says the unveiling this weekend of a memorial dedicated to NSW's Forgotten Australians will mark the beginning of a healing process for the thousands of men and women abused while growing up in state care.

The peak organisation is a member of the Alliance for Forgotten Australians (AFA), which is dedicated to ensuring recommendations from 2004 Senate inquiry into Australians who experienced institutional or out-of-home care as children are implemented.

ACWA CEO Andrew McCallum has described this Saturday's commemoration as a monumental event that is long overdue for survivors of childhood abuse.

"Those who experienced firsthand the trauma of what was, in some instances, brutal care, have welcomed this event, even if it is somewhat belated in coming," Mr McCallum said.

"It comes as a powerful precursor to the Federal Government's national apology later this year for the harm inflicted on the Forgotten Australians.

"While symbolic in nature, we hope these combined actions will help bring some peace to those who continue to carry the scars of a system that failed to protect them as children."

Mr McCallum said it is vital this national apology is followed by a comprehensive government response that incorporates ongoing practical support measures and targeted services to assist victims of childhood abuse put their lives back together.

The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies is the New South Wales peak body representing non-government organisations providing services to vulnerable children, young people and their families. The organisation has been operating for 50 years and has more than 100 member agencies.


For interviews please contact:
Andrew McCallum
Mob: 0409 221 414
E: [email protected]

For all other media enquiries please contact:
Libby McCalman
Communications Officer, ACWA
Mob: 0418 659 525
E: [email protected]

SOURCE: Association of Children's Welfare Agencies

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