Get To Know Your Medicines Calendar Wins Multicultural 'best Resource' Award

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29th July 2009, 05:10pm - Views: 742

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29 July 2009

Get to know your medicines calendar wins Multicultural ‘Best Resource’ Award

The National Prescribing Service Ltd (NPS), Federation of Ethnic Communities Council Australia (FECCA) and

Co.As.It (Victoria) have been presented with a Multicultural Communication Award for the 2009 Italian Get to

know your medicines calendar.

The awards, hosted by NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, recognise area health and non-

government organisations which produce multilingual health resources. 

The calendar was distributed to Italian seniors across Australia as part of the 2008 Get to know your medicines

campaign. This campaign aimed to raise awareness among culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)

communities of the importance of understanding the benefits and risks of medicine and included tips on how to

reduce the risks. 

The risks of using medicines are heightened for CALD senior Australians, particularly those with low English

language proficiency and literacy levels. 

The medicines messages throughout the calendar sit alongside photographs of Italian migrants from the mid-

1900s donated by the Italian Historical Society (Co.As.IT).  

“We are delighted to receive this award for non-government patient information, which acknowledges the

valuable work we are undertaking with our community partners to promote the safe use of medicines with

culturally and linguistically diverse communities,” NPS CEO, Dr Lynn Weekes said.

The awards entry guidelines stated the resources had to be:

available in English and at least one language other than English 

developed incorporating elements of good practice, including a needs assessment 

translated by NAATI accredited translators 

culturally appropriate 

able to be added to the Multicultural Health Communication website. 

“The calendar showcases the vibrant heritage of Italian migrants in Australia, while incorporating important

health messages,” said Walter Petralia, Co.As.It (Victoria) Manager, Health Promotion and Community


“This award is a testament to the value of working collaboratively with communities and ethno-specific

organisations to develop relevant and engaging health promotion initiatives. FECCA is delighted to see this

innovative and popular initiative acknowledged with this reward,” FECCA Chair, Voula Messimeri said.

NPS and FECCA also won a certificate of commendation for education session resources for Chinese and

Italian communities. These awards build on previous recognition for multicultural resources: 


2005 National Multicultural Marketing Awards from the Community Relations Commission


2005 Multicultural Communication Award from NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service


Media enquiries to Katie Butt, NPS Media Adviser, 0419 618 365 or email; or to Voula

Messimeri, FECCA Chair, 0414 532 529; or Walter Petralia, CoAsIt (Victoria) on 0434 358 299.

The National Prescribing Service Limited (NPS) is an independent, non-profit organisation for quality use of medicines

funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.

FECCA is the national peak body representing Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

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