Health Experts To Speak About Midlife And Menopause

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3rd September 2009, 02:51pm - Views: 859

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September 3, 2009


Health experts to speak about midlife and menopause

Menopause and other midlife health options and issues will be discussed by leading

women’s health experts from the Jean Hailes Foundation for Women’s Health at an

evening health session on September 17 at the Kingston Town Hall in Moorabbin.

National organisation the Jean Hailes Foundation for Women’s Health has joined with the

City of Kingston in this initiative aimed at educating women in Melbourne on midlife health. 

Women will hear the latest information on health and wellbeing at midlife including a range

of practical, take-home tips. Speakers will discuss midlife health, menopause, treatment

options for symptoms including herbal and hormone therapies, healthy lifestyle and

emotional health and wellbeing. 

Speakers include research director Professor Helena Teede and psychologist Dr Mandy

Deeks from the Jean Hailes Foundation for Women’s Health, as well as Women’s Health in

the South East CEO Tricia Elliot.

“It is important for women to have the opportunity to explore their health options so that

they can think about their own needs and what is right for them,” says Professor Teede.

“We want women to know that there is so much we can do ourselves to change our general

health and quality of life.”

The Jean Hailes Foundation for Women’s Health is an independent, not-for-profit health

foundation, largely funded by the federal government and private donations. The

Foundation cares for the health and wellbeing of Australia’s five million women aged 35



To book please call Kingston Arts Centre on 9556 4440. Cost is $10 and light refreshments

will be provided. 



For more information or interviews with the speakers or organisers, please contact 

Aleeza Zohar on (03) 9562 6771 or 0425 758 729.

This program is supported by the Australian Government Department of Health & Ageing

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