Health Minister To Open National Primary Health Care Conference

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8th November 2009, 05:00pm - Views: 706
Health Minister to Open National Primary Health Care Conference

The Hon. John Hill MP, South Australia's Minister for Health, will tomorrow open the inaugural RCNA Primary Health Care Conference titled Collaboration, integration and reform: a nursing response in Adelaide.

The conference will draw together some of Australia's influential thinkers in primary health care to debate a range of issues for nursing in health care reform.

"This is an exciting opportunity for the nursing profession, especially as it coincides with one of the most important shakeups of our health care system in our history," said Debra Cerasa FRCNA, Chief Executive Officer, RCNA.

"As the peak professional organisation for nurses, we are proud to present nurses with the opportunity to workshop the major changes that are approaching the nursing profession at the 2009 Primary Health Care Conference."

The conference will look at the past, present and future of primary health care, and explore the recent reports and recommendations that are shaping the health care landscape, and the role of nurses within it.

"The RCNA Primary Health Care conference is the first of its kind in focusing directly on the very current, very political issues surrounding the nursing role in primary health care," Ms Cerasa said.

The 2009 Primary Health Care Conference will take place in at the in Adelaide from 8 10 September 2009 at The Hilton Adelaide.

Minister Hill will open the conference at 9.10am on Monday 9 November 2009.

RCNA is the peak professional nursing organisation in Australia, and the Australian member of the International Council of Nurses.

Media contact
Claire Thompson, Communications Manager
0409 129 634

SOURCE: Royal College of Nursing, Australia

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