29 May 2009
Local Governments creating healthy communities should not miss out on the great
opportunity to enter the Heart Foundation Local Government Awards 2009. The
awards are open for all initiatives that build a sense of community, encourage people
to be active, be smoke free and make healthy food choices.
The Heart Foundation Local Government Awards provide $34,000 in cash awards,
plaques and recognition across six categories to recognise the contribution made by
healthy initiatives introduced by Local Government.
The 2009 awards program categories are:
Employee Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Weight
Planning for Active Living
Priority Groups
Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death and a major source of disability in
Australia. However, people can reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease by making
healthier lifestyle choices. Local governments which create supportive environments to
promote better health and reduce the risk of chronic conditions can receive recognition
through the Heart Foundation Local Government Awards.
Entries close on 5 June. For entry forms and information about the 2009 awards
Government Awards Coordinator, Nia Gryffydd, on (07) 3872 2562 or email:
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About the Heart Foundation
The Heart Foundation saves lives and improves health through funding world-class cardiovascular
research, guidelines for health professionals, informing the public and assisting people with
cardiovascular disease. As a charity, the Heart Foundation relies on donations and gifts in wills to
continue our lifesaving research, education and health promotion work.
For further information, please contact:
Jill Sims, Communications and Media Manager
(07) 3872 2500 or 0421 911 116 email: jill.sims@heartfoundation.org.au