Heart Foundation Walking Celebrates Its First Birthday

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26th November 2008, 02:26pm - Views: 1659

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Media Release

For further information or interviews, please contact: Jill Sims Tel: 3872 2541 

Mob: 0421 911 116 email: jill.sims@heartfoundation.org.au

26 November 2008

Walking the walk: Heart Foundation Walking

celebrates its first Birthday

Heart Foundation Walking will celebrate its First Birthday with a free walk and breakfast on

Sunday 7 December at the New Farm Park Rotunda, New Farm at 7:30am for 8:00am



Australia’s largest network of free, community-based walking groups, Heart Foundation

Walking is a Heart Foundation initiative which is supported by the Australian Government

Department of Health and Ageing and the Queensland Government.  The initiative aims to

help improve the health of Australians by encouraging them to start or join local walking


Heart Foundation CEO, Cameron Prout said “we need at least 30 minutes of moderate-

intensity physical activity at least five days a week to reduce the risk of heart disease and


A report just released by the Minister for the Status of Women found that between 2001

and 2004, the percentage of mid-age women doing 30 minutes of physical activity on most

days rose from 45 to 54 per cent. This was primarily attributed to walking¹.

“Walking on a regular basis can help to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke while

reducing body fat, blood pressure and cholesterol,” said Mr Prout.  “People who enjoy

regular physical activity live longer, feel more energetic, have stronger bones and muscles,

feel more confident, happy, relaxed and are able to sleep better.”

Heart Foundation Walking has more than 10,000 registered walkers in more than 700

walking groups across Australia, with sights set on increasing that to 15,000 by December

2009 by encouraging people to join walking groups, a safe, social way to become more


“Joining a Heart Foundation Walking group is an easy way to get all the health benefits of

walking and enjoy the social aspects of being in a group”.

With heart disease still the largest single killer of Australians and the continued rise in overweight

and obesity, the Heart Foundation believes the time is now right for a national approach to walking.

For more information on how to start or join an existing Heart Foundation Walking group in your

To register to attend the first birthday celebrations on Sunday 7 December please call Anita

on (07) 3872 2500 or email anita.cromb@heartfoundation.org.au.  

-ends -





The University of Queensland, September 2007

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