Historic Day For Health Care, Nurses And Midwives 1

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23rd June 2009, 06:15pm - Views: 822

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The industrial and professional organisation for 170,000 nurses and midwives in Australia

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Media Release

Attention: news, health, industrial relations, politics

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Historic day for health care, nurses and midwives

ANF welcomes legislation to increase access to quality health care

New legislation giving ‘eligible midwives’ and nurse practitioners prescribing rights

on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Medical benefits Schedule

(MBS) will allow more Australians to access quality, affordable health care

according to the Australian Nursing Federation (ANF).

The Health Legislation Amendment (Midwives and Nurse Practitioners) Bill and a

Professional Indemnity Bill covering midwives will be tabled in Federal Parliament

tomorrow (24 June). 

“The ANF congratulates the Australian government and the Minister for Health and

Ageing, Nicola Roxon for recognising the benefits that highly skilled and educated

nurse practitioners and midwives bring to the health of all Australians,” Ged

Kearney ANF federal secretary said. 

“The government has taken a practical, common sense approach to helping more

people get safe, effective health care. Nurse practitioners already have authority to

prescribe medications but patients could not get rebates on the medicines and

tests they prescribed.”

The legislation would also allow pregnant women access to the full range of

services available from eligible midwives.

Ms Kearney said the ANF and peak nursing and midwifery bodies were looking

forward to further talks with the Minister for Health and Ageing in order to work out

the detail of the legislation.

“The legislation must be designed to give patients efficient access to the full range

of care that nurse practitioners and midwives provide,” she said. “People need our

care now, let’s make it happen.”

Media inquiries

Lee Thomas, ANF assistant federal secretary 

0419 576 590

Libby Muir, ANF communications officer

0413 834 979

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