How Dr Snell Helps Women Conceive

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4th June 2009, 11:59am - Views: 994

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News magazine article submission

from Dr Kenneth Snell of the Acupuncture IVF & Fertility Clinic in Sydney


Attention: News or features editor                   4/6/09                   snell 1

           How Dr Snell helps women conceive

A doctor who claims to achieve a remarkable 87 per cent success rate helping

women in Australia to become pregnant has explained how he does it with

herbal medicine and acupuncture.

Dr Kenneth Snell, of the Acupuncture IVF and Fertility Clinic in Sydney, says


administers special Chinese medicine and acupuncture to facilitate in vitro

fertilization (IVF).

He says his special treatment program has helped achieve an 87 per cent

success rate for pregnancies.

His rate of 87 per cent compares favourably with typical rates of less than 40

per cent for most IVF programs.

Dr Snell says, "I have proven with studies which I have conducted with the

cooperation of patients at my clinic over recent years, that my treatment

program facilitates a much higher success rate for in vitro fertilisation." 

Dr Snell has also achieved high success rates with women over forty,

including women who have failed IVF before or have been told that they will

not conceive due to their eggs being too old.

He explains his fertility treatment saying, "Chinese medicine is taken over

more than one cycle usually. Western medicine tries to achieve a result within

one cycle, although a lot of women fail their IVF cycles and return for multiple

IVF treatments unsuccessfully.

“So in the long run, Chinese medicine taken over a few cycles is usually

quicker and more effective,” he says.

“It also requires fewer doses of IVF drugs which often have harmful and long-

lasting side effects. Chinese medicine is safe and natural and has no side

effects," he says. "Its good effects are greatly enhanced when combined with


Chinese medicine is the main form of fertility treatment in his clinic.

Acupuncture is always used as a secondary treatment to increase the effects

produced by Chinese medicine.

His specialised treatment programs are used to enhance fertility.

He treats simple hormonal imbalances and more debilitating kinds of

gynaecological problems which prevent women from conceiving.

He administers natural Chinese medicine and acupuncture to a woman for

three to five months until the embryo is transferred into her uterus. 

After the transfer, he administers different natural Chinese medicines and

more acupuncture to prevent threatened abortion and miscarriage.

He says, "This medicine facilitates easier transfer of the embryo into the

uterus by dilating the cervical opening, nourishes the embryo facilitating

embryo growth, prevents uterine contractions, prevents bleeding and holds

the embryo in place."

Dr Snell says his acupuncture and Chinese medicine are vastly different to

other doctors in technique and medicine composition.

Best results are achieved when acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine

are prescribed together, he says.

During the course of treatment, the Chinese herbal medicine is routinely

changed to achieve maximum results. The patient is never kept on the same


Depending on the time of the menstrual cycle, the acupuncture treatment is

also changed to achieve maximum results.

Dr Snell says his special treatments achieve fast results for infertility and

fertility-related conditions. “Patients notice improvements in the first few

weeks of treatment.” 

Dr Snell operates the Acupuncture IVF and Fertility Clinic at Chatswood in

Sydney. He has owned and operated the clinic since 2004.

He is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. 

Patients from across Australia and different countries seek his advice and

received his treatment.

Dr Kenneth Snell has been acknowledged in the press and on radio and

television in Australia, Korea and England and on the internet world wide.

Community Health Acupuncture IVF & Fertility Clinic 2 image

He is a member of the Fertility Society of Australia, the American Society for

Reproductive Medicine and the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine


Natural fertility is a specialised area of his training.  




Photo caption: Dr Kenneth Snell holds a baby conceived with the help of his

acupuncture and herbal fertility treatment.

Link to photograph and more information:

Media contact: Dr Kenneth Snell – phone 61 2 9412-3844 or 0404877402;

email .

Dr Kenneth Snell

Acupuncture IVF & Fertility Clinic

Suite 228 / 1 Katherine St, Chatswood, NSW, 2067, Australia

Ph: +61 2 9412-3844 or +61 0404 877 402   Fax: +61 2 9412-1733

Email:     Web: 

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