If You Are Not Pregnant Now, It May Be Too Late To Avoid Proposed Medicare Cuts

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20th August 2009, 05:31pm - Views: 733

Dr       Dr David Molloy. Vice President 0417 700429

Media Release. Thursday August 20 

If You Are Not Pregnant Now, it May be Too Late to Avoid

Proposed Medicare Cuts

This week has marked the passing of the deadline for all Australian women to become pregnant and beat the

Government’s proposed budget cuts to the Medicare Safety Net.

From now on, all expectant mothers who want choice and access to specialist care for their pregnancy and birth will

face up to $1850 out-of-pocket expenses during their pregnancy, if the Bill is passed in the Senate.

As the Senate debates the impact of the proposed budget cuts to obstetrics and IVF, Australia’s peak group of

specialist obstetricians warned today that unless blocked, all patients starting a family will be worse off when they

go to see their specialist obstetrician. 

“This was the last week for women to become pregnant and not be financially punished by the Government which

sadly does not realise the unintended consequences of its proposed budget measure,” the President of the National

Association of Specialist Obstetricians and Gynaecologists said today.

Dr Hilary Joyce thanked all non-Government Senators for realising the potentially devastating outcome for working

families of the proposed Bill and that it ran the risk of pushing the cost of having a child beyond the means of many

working couples.

“Many Australian women need continuous specialist care to ensure a safe delivery of their baby,” Dr Joyce said.

If couples also need IVF to become pregnant, they face additional costs averaging

$1700 per IVF cycle

if these

budget cuts are allowed. 

“This is a double whammy for many women desperate to become mothers. Working Australians should not be

forced onto the already overwhelmed public hospital system. This will be a terrible outcome for all Australians who

want to realise their dream of having a family” said Dr Joyce. 

Dr Joyce praised the Opposition, the Greens and the independent Senators Nick Xenophon and Stephen 

Fielding for heeding the concern of all Australians who seek choice, access and affordability for pregnancy


“We still hope the Government will consult with specialist doctors and patient groups to find an alternative solution

that works for taxpayers without hurting would-be mothers and their families.”

For media inquiries:

Dr Hilary Joyce

Ms Jannette Cotterell

President of NASOG 0418 600 858 or 02 48 624004

MD of Executive Counsel Australia 0419 204 059

About NASOG: The National Association of Specialist Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

(NASOG) is a not for profit professional

association representing specialist obstetricians and gynaecologists, the leading providers of specialist women’s health services. Australia

is recognised as one of the safest countries in the world to give birth or to be born. NASOG strongly endorses our collaborative, proactive

model of obstetric and midwifery care for all women giving birth in Australia. The safety of this existing model of care is confirmed by

research from Australia and around the world. www.nasog.com.au


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