Injury Major Cause Of Death For Aussie Kids : Kidsafe Turns 30 Today

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25th October 2009, 08:16pm - Views: 699

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Media Invitation

Kidsafe Turns 30 Today

10.30am Monday 26 October 2009

Fed Square

Playground, Birrarung Marr

Melway Map: 2F Reference: H6

More Australian children aged 1 –

14 years die as a result of injury than from cancer,

asthma and infectious diseases combined. In 2005, 35% of all deaths in this age group

were due to injury.* 


celebrating its 30th



every day, around 180 children are admitted to

hospitals in Australia as a result of injury. Some of these children will suffer permanent scarring

or disability as a result of their injury. 

Tragically, on average four children per week in Australia will die as a result of injury.  

Injury is the leading cause of death and a major cause of disability among Australian


(AIHW 2005). The 2004–05 NHS indicated that one in four children (25%) had

some kind of

injury in the previous 4 weeks that required a ‘health action’ (self-help or

professional help)

(ABS 2006b).

Kidsafe Victoria will celebrate its 30th Birthday today in the playground with the cutting of a ONE

METRE Birthday Cake

and some reflection on achievements over the past 30 years.


Kidsafe Awards will be presented; a lifetime achievement award, a lifetime achievement

research award and also a Kidsafe Champion award to three individual’s for their work over the

last 3 decades in making the world safer for children. 

Media Enquiries: 

Ron Smith Kidsafe Victoria Mobile:  0417 329 201             

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