Internatiional Expoerts Flock To Australia For Think Tank

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19th October 2009, 09:00am - Views: 738

Media Release


19 OCTOBER 2009



0412 189 228




In Australia, with our aging population and increasing skill shortage, the discussions and

potential solutions explored at the 5th annual Convention for the Community Services & Health

Industries are of vital important to the community services and health industries and to every

Australian who plans to age.

The Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council (CS&H ISC), the national body

representing skills development needs for the CS&H industries have gathered together world

experts to assist Australia meet the ever-increasing demand on its health services.

“As the most rapidly growing and diverse industries in Australia, it is imperative that the

Community Services and Health Industries embrace this opportunity to share knowledge and

resources from world-leading experts and have a serious rethink about the benefits of uniting

service delivery from both industries.” Explains Dan Hill, Chairman, CS&H ISC

“The Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council is the recgonised national

advisory body on the skill and workforce development requirements of these industries, and

we are responding to the needs of the community services and health industries to lead the

implementation of a ‘demand driven' approach to training delivery.”  Mr Hill said.  

Day 1 plenary sessions are chaired by Dr. Norman Swan and presentations from the

international contingent of experts include:

Community Services and Health industries – working together to make a difference? - Professor

Sir. George Castledine.  Qualifying as a professional nurse before winning a scholarship to Oxford

University to study for a degree in psychology, physiology and philosophy, Professor Castledine has

spent his career focusing on the integration of theory and practice, as well as health and social

care. Professor Castledine will provide the keynote address for the convention

Innovation in the Integration of Health and Social Care in Care Homes for Older People: A new

way forward in the UK, Dr Sara Nelson and David Smallacombe

Nurse prescribing : just what the doctor ordered - Skills for Health (UK) Programme Manager

Professor Helen Green. 

Bringing down the ‘Berlin Wall’ between health and social care - Professor Jon Glasby,

Professor of Health and Social Care and Co-Director of the Health Services Management Centre,

University of Birmingham, UK

Volunteer Peer Support making a difference for Dementia Family Carers - Dr Georgina

Charlesworth, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Dr Karen Burnell, Research Associate, North

East London Foundation Trust / University College London.


People Feature Community Services And Health Industry Skills Council 2 image

Giving Patients and Carers Credit - Charlette Middlemiss, a health service manager with a

background in strategic and operational services, who currently works developing and supporting

the NHS in Wales to implement workforce strategies aimed at modernising the workforce and

improving care to patients explains.

The Convention, which will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (21 to

22 October 2009)

will be opened by the Honourable Jacinta Allan, Minister for Regional and

Rural Development, Minister for Skills and Workforce Participation and includes a keynote

presentation by Christine Nixon, Chair of the Victorian Bushfire.

To arrange to speak with any of the international presenters contact Michelle Eunson on 0412

189 228


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