Is The Future Of Healthcare In The Home?

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24th December 2009, 12:55pm - Views: 646

Eldercare which has offered permanent and occasional health care in Sydney for
the past 35 years, announced today that it will become Private Care from 1st
January 2010.

"The name change reflects the demographic diversity of our patients as well as
the range of services that we offer," said The Hon. Nick Greiner, Chairman
Eldercare, part of The Healthcare Australia Group.

"Our business is about minimising a patient's hospital stay and giving the best private care available in the privacy of people's homes. Whether we provide services for patients who have elective surgery or require long-term care, it's a proven fact that people recover quicker from the comfort of home," Mr Greiner said.

"Not only do the patients feel better in their own homes, but we provide their
families with the convenience of professional support; while also helping to
alleviate the increasing demand for acute hospital beds."

A recent Cochrane review carried out by UK researchers[1,2] gathered evidence on
the effectiveness and cost of managing patients by admission-avoidance
hospital-at-home services compared with inpatient care. The study found that not
only did treatment at home cost health funds less money, but patients reported
significantly higher levels of satisfaction across a range of conditions, while
clinically, less complications relating to their illness were reported.

Eldercare offers patients appropriate private care at home and makes sure that
public hospital beds which cost health authorities on average $1,117 per day[3],
are available to Australians of all ages waiting for treatment.

"As the population ages, the public health service is being stretched to breaking point. Companies that provide private healthcare in the home offer proven benefits to the patient as well as the wider community, freeing up more hospital beds and much needed funding.

"As a leading provider of private aged care, disability, nanny and housekeeping services, we've taken on board the adage that 60 really is the new 40, which reflects improved healthcare options including care at home and greater longevity of all Australians." Mr Greiner said.

Notes to editors:
- Insert Eldercare boiler plate
- For further information, or to request an interview with The Hon. Nick Greiner, please contact
Rebekka Thompson-Jones at Wilkinson PR on
02 8001 8888 or via
[email protected]

[1] Shepperd, S. et al (2008) Admission avoidance hospital at home. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews: Issue 4. Art No: CD007491. DOI: 10.1002/14651858. CD007491.

[2] KcKernan, C. (2008) Exploring the literature on delivering home IV therapy. Nursing Times; 104: 34, 28- 29


SOURCE: Eldercare

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