Its A Big Day Out For St John

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27th January 2010, 07:14pm - Views: 790

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People Feature St John Ambulance SA Inc 2 image


For Immediate Release: Wednesday, 27 January 2010

It’s a Big Day Out for the St John Volunteers!

While an estimated 38,000 festival goers participate in the massive music event, the 2010 BIG DAY

OUT, on Friday, 29 January at the Adelaide Show grounds, St John Volunteers will play an integral

role in providing First Aid Services to the large crowds.

With an expected temperature of 31 degrees, over 60 St John Volunteers will

ensure that everyone enjoys the day/night event with minimal concern. 

St John will be operating three First Aid Posts at this years event: the main

First Aid Post will be situated in the Ram’s shed pavilion, the minor treatment

Post will be situated in a marquee alongside the Grand Stand on the western side

of the Main Arena, as well as a Stage Medical Centre to the west of the Orange

(main) Stage. 

In addition, a large contingent of foot patrols will be roaming the crowds, and 2

Mobile First Aid Units and the St John Electric Vehicle Ambulance will be at

various locations throughout the grounds. 

The contingent of St John Volunteers include Command Staff, Health Care

Professionals, (St John members who are Doctors, Nurses, or Paramedics), Patient

Transport staff, Response Teams, along with 40 additional Volunteers staffing the

Medical Centers and providing Patrols.

Typically dehydration and alcohol intoxication are common ailments among

casualties, with the biggest treatment being headache tablets (paracetamol) along

with band aids for blisters (ill fitting shoes or no shoes). 

Sometimes it can be frustrating when we also have to deal with people who forget

to bring their own medication with them and require us to assist. Particularly

asthmatics, so please remember to bring along your medication.states Peter

Jackson St John Group Leader Major Events.

St John strongly recommends the following health and safety tips:

Pace yourself, avoid excessive alcohol, and drink plenty of water

Bring a hat, minimize sun exposure, and apply/re-apply sunscreen

Make sure you carry a charged mobile phone and important contact numbers

If you have any chronic conditions or illness (ie epilepsy, diabetes,

asthma) be sure to carry information regarding your condition and emergency

contact number at all times

Bring personal medication, asthma puffers etc

Dress for the day and weather and wear sensible shoes 

St John Volunteers are at the 2010 Big Day Out to help if you need First Aid

assistance. They are there to make sure you stay safe and have an enjoyable day.

St John is a not-for-profit organisation working for the service of the


For more information contact:

Peter Jackson

Carol Raye

Group Leader 

Executive Manager

Major Events 

Marketing Communications


0412 707 757

8306 6944 | 0439 381 923

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