Ivt Will Demo Mobile Health System At Gsma Mobile Asia Congress And Ces 2010

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14th November 2009, 04:19am - Views: 678

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IVT will Demo Mobile Health System at GSMA Mobile Asia Congress and CES 2010

BEIJING, Nov. 13 /PRNewswire-Asia-AsiaNet/ --

    IVT Corporation announced today that it will demonstrate its new mobile health

system at GSMA Mobile Asia Congress in Hong Kong on Nov. 18-19, at Booth F08, and CES

2010 in Las Vegas. This system allows medical monitoring from home, reducing risk of

diseases and assisting with emergency rescue.

   It includes:

    1) A device kit with: an S120 mobile phone, wireless blood pressure meter, ECG

monitor, oximeter and PSTN access point. Using these, patients measure blood pressure,

cardiogram and blood oxygen levels. Vital signs are displayed on the S120 and are

automatically added to the patient's health records on a remote server. The test results

can be forwarded to a third party via short messages, allowing for easy monitoring by

loved ones. The kit is very small and convenient.

    2) An online platform has been created (http://www.mhealthservices.com ) where

patients' health data is recorded in a database, provides a series of healthcare

information, and can be accessed 24/7 by hospitals, emergency centres, or patients and

their relatives. A special entry is given to the national emergency centre, so when the

centre receives a call, the incoming caller ID provides access to the caller's e-health

records, allowing them to provide better services. A similar entry exists for hospitals

for a better understanding of a patient's history.

    3) A call centre in China (400-8186-120) provides 24-hour health consultations and

assists processing emergency rescue requirements sent by clients.

    4) The S120 is the first healthcare mobile phone featuring Fixed-Mobile Convergence.

It is bound with a fixed-lined telephone via the wireless PSTN access point and can be

used as a cordless phone.

    If an accident happens, patients can press the S120's hotkey to connect directly to

the emergency centre, to IVT's call centre via a GPRS link in real time, and

automatically send a short message to all parties (IVT's call centre, emergency centre

and relatives), if indoors, it connects via a PSTN line when the mobile signal is weak

and the rescue message will have an indoor location.

    IVT is providing mobile health services in China, IVT also exports the complete

system worldwide with customizations. 

    IVT is seeking distributors worldwide.

    Distribution & press contact:

     Mr. Tim Wei

     Tel:   +861082898225

     Email: marketing@ivtcorporation.com

     Web:   http://www.mhealthservices.com

SOURCE  IVT Corporation

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