Kidney Health Australia
Media Alert
Making A Noise About The Silent Killer
Dialysis Debt will Force the Rudd Government to Take Over Chronic Kidney
Disease Management in Australia
7.15am Tuesday 18 August 2009
Spirit of Tasmania - Station Pier
Level 1, Spirit of Tasmania Terminal
Port Melbourne
Seventy Rally Kars in the Kidney Kar Rally arriving in Melbourne this morning
on the Spirit of Tasmania will officially send a warning to all Federal Members
of Parliament over the lack of policy and resources to cope with Kidney
Disease in Australia.
The warning will be given by a simultaneous blast on seventy horns and sirens from
the Rally Kars to Make A Noise About The Silent Killer - Chronic Kidney Disease
which affects one in seven Australians and kills forty people a day.
Anne Wilson CEO of Kidney Health Australia said Kidney Health Australia will urge
the Federal Government to review the current arrangements of delivering dialysis
services that are not cost-efficient and deliver sub optimal patient management and
service delivery.
On 2005 figures the cumulative cost of dialysis from 2004 to 2010 is expected
to be $4.5 billion and the organization says it would support a Federal
Government take over.
Dialysis for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is the most frequent reason for
hospitalisation. In 200708, regular dialysis for CKD was recorded as the principal
diagnosis in 989,000 (almost 1 million) separations 12.6% of all hospitalisation in
that year.
Media Enquiries: Ron Smith Kidney Health Australia M. 0417 329 201