Leading Thinkers In Primary Health Care Converge At National Conference

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8th November 2009, 05:00pm - Views: 688
Leading Thinkers in Primary Health Care Converge at National Conference

Some of Australia's influential figures in health policy will today convene with nurses from across the country for the inaugural RCNA Primary Health Care Conference titled Collaboration, integration and reform: a nursing response.

The conference will look at the recommendations of the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission report and the Draft Primary Health Care Strategy and explore how nursing can maximise its contribution to primary health care.

Delegates will be addressed by:

* Anthony Hobbs, Chair, National Primary Health Care Strategy
External Reference Group, which recently released the Draft
National Primary Health Care Strategy report

* Mark Smith FRCNA, Chair, RCNA's Community and Primary Health
Care Faculty Advisory Committee

* Sabina Knight, Commissioner, National Health and Hospitals Reform

* Kathleen McLaughlin FRCNA, Director, Professional Services, RCNA

"Primary health care is one of the biggest health topics of the moment, and with health care debates and discussions still gaining impetus, it is important that nurses identify further opportunities for collaboration and integration of nursing services within primary health care," said Debra Cerasa FRCNA, Chief Executive Officer, RCNA.

"At the 2009 RCNA Primary Health Care Conference, delegates have the unique opportunity to hear from experts about how health care reform will impact nurses, and how nurses can be best placed to deliver the services our communities desperately need," Ms Cerasa said.

The 2009 Primary Health Care Conference will take place in at the in Adelaide from 8 10 November 2009 at The Hilton Adelaide.

RCNA is the peak professional nursing organisation in Australia, and the Australian member of the International Council of Nurses.

Media contact
Claire Thompson, Communications Manager
0409 129 634

SOURCE: Royal College of Nursing Australia

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