Let Nurses Care For Patients

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29th January 2010, 01:43pm - Views: 716

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The industrial and professional organisation for nurses and midwives in Australia

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media release

29 January 2010

Let nurses care for patients 

The Australian Nursing Federation and the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners has

called for calm amid hysterical and offensive dialogue coming from some healthcare sectors

on the issue of nurse practitioners.

ANF Federal Secretary Ged Kearney said recent comments by the Royal Australian College

of General Practitioners the ACT Division of General Practice (ACTDGP), the Australian

Medical Association (AMA) and the Pharmacy Guild implying nurse practitioners would

harm their patients is insulting.

“It is offensive and irrational to imply nurse practitioners who have extensive education and

experience would do anything beyond their sphere of expertise. In fact all the evidence shows

the care provided by these nurses is excellent,” she said.

“Nurse practitioners can offer a range of health management and procedural services to

patients in a fast and effective manner that will benefit the whole community.”

“Unfortunately an issue that should be about providing patients with the care they require has

spiraled into a turf war.”

“Giving nurse practitioners access to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and the

Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) is about caring for consumers. 

The ANF and ACNP are concerned that GPs and Pharmacists are prepared to deny patients –

some of who are waiting up to six weeks for treatment – more choice. 

“On the one hand you have doctors saying they are over-stretched and on the other hand they

refuse to share healthcare with capable nurse practitioners. This is an attempt to keep all

rebates in doctors’ pockets.”

Helen Gosby president of the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners said in some cases

patients were safer with nurse practitioners than they were anywhere else.

“Nurse practitioners are one of the most regulated in the healthcare sector meaning they are

also one of the safest,” she said.

“Nurse practitioners should not have to seek doctor approval for patient care they are capable

of doing autonomously.”

Media inquiries

Eleni Hale, Media

0402 337 388

Ged Kearney, Federal Secretary  

0417 053 322

Helen Gosby, Australian College of Nurse Practitioners


Lee Thomas, Acting Federal Secretary

0419 576 590

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