Media Release
Attention: news, health, aged care, industrial relations, politics
Tuesday June 16
Making Primary Health Care Work
Nurses and midwives invite Government and doctors groups to join them in
planning a way forward for the sake of everybodys health
Australias peak nursing and midwifery groups will host a roundtable at Parliament
House in Canberra today bringing nurses, midwives, doctors and the Government
together to discuss community health services that better meet the needs of all
Australians and that will take pressure off our over-burdened public hospitals.
The Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN), Australian College of
Nurse Practitioners (ACNP), Australian Nursing Federation (ANF), Australian
Practice Nurses Association (APNA), CRANAplus (the professional body for
remote and isolated practice) and Royal College of Nursing, Australia (RCNA) say
they are hosting the roundtable with the aim of inviting key medical groups to work
together on the way forward for primary health care services in Australia.
Helen Gosby ACNP President said that, although welcome, federal budget
initiatives giving people receiving care from nurse practitioners and eligible
midwives access to rebates through the Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS) and
Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS) are only an interim measure. Broader
reform in primary health care policy is the ultimate goal.
Pressure and demands on hospitals and emergency departments will continue to
increase unless governments act now to give Australians access to safe, timely
and accessible primary health care in their communities, she said.
Primary health care from the appropriate professional such as a nurse, midwife,
physiotherapist or a doctor is essential if people are to be able to access effective
and well targeted community health programs. Health promotion, prevention and
management of illness and injury are all important to keep people out of hospital.
A robust primary health care system is the best way to help those with chronic
conditions to remain in control of their own health care and lives.
Nursing and midwifery representatives say they hope the day will result in a
practical plan involving all professional groups making primary health care reform
work together.
The roundtable will take place from 10am to 3pm in Committee Room
1S4 followed by a press conference in the Senate courtyard at 3:30pm
Participating bodies listed below
Media inquiries: Libby Muir Communications Officer
0413 834 979