Means-testing Health Rebate Vital For Public Hospitals

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1st February 2010, 11:37am - Views: 678

1 February 2010

Means-testing the private health insurance (PHI) rebate will help ensure Australia's

public health system can provide care for our ageing population into the future,

according to the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA). 

"Given the ageing of our population and the increasing cost of medical technologies and

other treatments, the pressure on the health budget is growing. To ensure that

Australians can continue to receive high quality health care in the decades to come, we

must be certain that every dollar spent on health delivers maximum value," Prue Power,

AHHA Executive Director, said today.

"This includes reducing expenditure on failed strategies such as the private health

insurance rebate. Despite costing the community over $4 billion a year, it has never

been evaluated against its stated objectives of supporting people to take out PHI and to

reduce demand on public hospitals. 

"In fact, research from a number of health economists has demonstrated that the rebate

is an extremely inefficient mechanism for increasing PHI fund membership and for taking

pressure off the public hospital system. This was acknowledged by Treasury in its advice

to the Prime Minister before his election that directing these funds towards public health

services would achieve much greater health gains. 

"Based on this evidence, AHHA's preferred option is to phase out the rebate altogether.

However, means testing would at least eliminate this wasteful allocating of health

funding to those people who clearly do not need subsidies in order to afford private

health care. 

"AHHA strongly refutes claims that any reduction in PHI membership would place

increased pressure on public hospitals. This is simply not supported by the evidence.

Public hospitals are under stress due to factors unrelated to PHI issues, such as

workforce shortages, ageing infrastructure and an insufficient focus on primary care and

preventive health. 

"Means-testing the rebate would help direct scarce health resources into these areas and

be a much more effective strategy to reduce pressure on the public hospital system. 

"AHHA calls on all opposition senators, in particular Senator Xenophon who we believe is

still considering his position, to support the Government's proposal to means-test the

rebate,” Ms Power said.

For further information/comment: 

Ms Prue Power 0417 419 857


Means-testing health

rebate vital for public


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