Media Alert - Health Reform Consults In Adelaide

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22nd September 2009, 07:21pm - Views: 717

Community Health Parliamentary Secretary For Health, Mark Butler 1 image

Community Health Parliamentary Secretary For Health, Mark Butler 2 image

The Parliamentary Secretary for Health

Mark Butler


Attn: Chiefs-of-Staff, News Editors, Photographers



The Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Mark Butler, 

will visit four Adelaide hospitals on Wednesday and Thursday this week

as part of a Federal Government round of national consultations on reform of the

Australian health system.

The Rudd government is consulting around Australia on the 123 recommendations of the

report, A Healthier Future For All Australians, which covers every facet of Australia’s health

care system. 

Mr Butler will undertake consultations with health groups and staff at the Women’s and

Children’s Hospital, the Royal Adelaide Hospital, the Lyell McEwin Hospital and Queen

Elizabeth Hospital over the two days...

The media is invited to the consultation at 

Women’s and Children’s Hospital,

72 King William Road

North Adelaide

Lecture Theatre

1st Floor, Queen Victoria Building 


Wednesday, 23rd September 2009




Lyell McEwin Hospital

Haydown Road

Elizabeth Vale (entrance through Main Entrance off Oldham Road)


Thursday, 24th September 2009


8.45 am

Note to media: Prior to the Lyell McEwin consultation, Mr Butler will tour some of the

wards in the hospital.  (Cameras may be required to pool on the hospital tour)  The

consultation forum begins at 9.30 am and is open to all media.

Media contact:   Lisa Sedgwick, Mr Butler’s Office,  0421 444 959

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