Media Statement David Galbally Response To Herald Sun Report

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27th October 2010, 04:44pm - Views: 1291

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Media Statement

Wednesday 27 October 2010

I read with sadness and great concern the hospital experience of a 91-year-old Great Grandmother

with dementia (Herald Sun 27/10, ‘Gran, 91, in hospital bed crisis’). A woman who gave 50 years

of service to a Melbourne Hospital had to wait almost 21 hours on an emergency department

trolley waiting for a bed.

In Australian hospitals up to 50 percent of all patients admitted have some degree of cognitive


Acute care remains a dangerous setting for people with dementia.  There is an urgent need for

people with cognitive impairment to receive better support, and to feel secure in a strange

environment.  Improved in-hospital practice through recognition of cognitive impairment at

admission and more access to specialist dementia programs and support is needed.

As President of Alzheimer's Australia Vic I am very disturbed by this report.  It is high time that

Australians and especially Victorians stood up and demanded that Governments provide more

appropriate care to people with dementia who are admitted to hospital.



Alzheimer's Australia Vic


About Alzheimer’s Australia Vic

Alzheimer’s Australia Vic is the peak body representing people with dementia in Victoria. We provide

specialised dementia information, education and support services. Call our National Dementia Helpline on

About dementia

Dementia is the term used to describe the symptoms of a large group of illnesses which cause a progressive

decline in a person’s cognitive ability. It is a broad term used to describe a loss of memory, intellect,

rationality, social skills and physical functioning. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. 

Dementia is a fatal disease and it can happen to anybody – it does not discriminate. 

Dementia is not a normal part of ageing; however it is more common after the age of 65. 

In Victoria 66,000 people have dementia with 53 new cases every day.

Media enquiries: Christine Bolt on 03 9816 5772, 0400 004 553, or Caitlin Juster

on 0437 453 113, 03 9816 5745,

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