Mental Health-is It Fixed Yet?

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15th February 2010, 07:26pm - Views: 710

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People Feature Mental Health Coalition SA 3 image

1/408 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000


Ph: 8212 8873          Fax:  8212 8874


February 2010

Pre Election Forum – MENTAL HEALTH-Is It Fixed Yet?

Mental Health is it fixed yet is the topic of the Mental Health Coalition SA pre election

forum on the topic of mental health held on the 16th of February at the Art Gallery of

SA from 12.30pm to 4.30pm. 

Over recent years there has been renewed interest and investment and reorganization of

mental health services in South Australia says Geoff Harris from the Mental Health

Coalition SA. 

With recent studies showing almost half or 45% of all Australians had at some point in

their lives being affected by mental illness the  World Health Organization predicts

Mental Illness will be the leading cause of illness and loss of revenue in the first world by


The Social Inclusion Board report ‘Stepping Up’ has chartered new directions in mental

health including strong focus on supporting people to recover in the community 

The cost of ineffective mental health services is huge:

Depression alone is estimated, in economic terms to contribute to the loss of 6

million working days annually 

According to the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, about $200

million a year is paid in psychological injury compensation. 

Including indirect costs, workplace stress costs the economy close to $14.8 billion

a year. 

Access Economics 2009 indicate the financial cost of Mental Illness in 12-25 year

olds in Australia is 10.6 billion dollars

In Australia 65% of people with mental illness receive no treatment at all. 

On any given night 105,000 people are homeless and 75% of these have a mental


More people die yearly from Suicide than from Road Deaths

Mental Illness occurs within the community and workplaces. Stigma and

discrimination are major barriers for people dealing with a mental health problem. 

People Feature Mental Health Coalition SA 5 image

People Feature Mental Health Coalition SA 6 image

1/408 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000


Ph: 8212 8873          Fax:  8212 8874

Effective and supportive community mental health services will ensure people are able to

recover from mental illness as part of their community and within their own homes,

workplaces and amongst family and friends. Developing services within communities

and beyond the hospital environment is crucial.

The Hon. Dr Jane Lomax-Smith Minister for Mental Health and Dr Duncan McFetridge,

Shadow Minister for Mental Health, will speak at the forum and participate as panel

members to answer questions from attendees. 

This is an opportunity for candidates to expand their vision for mental health services in

South Australia over the next three years.

Further Information:

Phone Geoff Harris 0401 099 555

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