Migrant Families In Aged Care:an Intergenerational Perspective

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26th August 2009, 11:00am - Views: 869


Migrant Families in Aged Care:An Intergenerational Perspective


Friday 28th August  10.00am – 3.00pm Monash University, Lv 7, 30 Collins Street Melbourne

Aged care workers constantly negotiate a myriad of services with families. Often they are dealing with

a number of generations within the one family. Cultural values and perceptions about ageing and

wellbeing can vary across different generations. 

This seminar will:

• explore the challenges that aged care staff face when negotiating with different generations of the

same family;

• identify strategies for facilitating effective decision-making across generations;

• listen to a case-study from a daughter of elderly migrant parents; and

• provide advice on handling complaints from families from an intergenerational point of view.

This seminar will start a debate on intergenerational relationships in families and provide insights in

the perceptions older people have regarding formal and informal care and role of their adult children in

these arrangements. 


Ms Klaudia Vainshtein - Senior Project Officer, Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing

"Why an Intergenerational Perspective in Aged Care?". ( Klaudia is the first Australian to undertake

Uni of Pittsburgh course on Intergenerational Programs. )

Ms Pamela Bruder - Life Enrichment Program Coordinator, Emmy Monash Aged Care Inc.

"Generations in One Voice: Integration, Achievement, Enrichment" Breaking down the stigma of

ageing and advancing individual wellbeing through an inter-generational, interfaith, inter-cultural choir

in a residential care facility. Launch of a new DVD - "Generations in One Voice"

Ms Diana McCormack - Activities Coordinator/Diversional Therapist at Good Shepherd Aged


“Intergenerational Exchange Program at Good Shepherd Aged Services”. Facility provides aged care

for people with a mild intellectual disability many of whom don’t have families, and they have The

Reaching Out Intergenerational Friendships program with a local school.

Ms Sharon McCormack - Educational Consultant and Author

"Reaching Out - Intergenerational Friendships". Follows up above with reports from school students’

perspectives and experiences.

Ms Marie Farrugia - Daughter of Migrant Parents

A personal story of ageing migrant parents by their eldest and only daughter in Melbourne, following

her mother’s stroke, and how it has  affected her own family life as a mother and business-owner.

Dr Michael Bauer and Dr Tenzin Bathgate - Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care,

Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University

"Constructive Staff-Family Relationships in Residential Aged Care" - Research Findings.

Ms Kerry Rigby - Nurse Educator, Baptcare

"A collage of culture and aged care: Piecing it together".

Mr Steve Aivaliotis - Director, Proactive Complaints Management

"Addressing responses to complaints from CALD clients and their families about aged care services",

based on extensive experience with Vic  Residential Care Rights authority.

Visit: www.culturaldiversity.com.au for more information on the conference.

Megan Stoyles is handling media enquiries : 0408 147 829

The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing is supported by the Australian Government Department of

Health and Ageing through the Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care initiative.

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