Minor Ailments Strategy Needed To Ease Gp Waiting Lists And Drive Budget Savings

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4th February 2010, 03:25pm - Views: 672

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February 2010


‘Minor ailments’ strategy needed to ease GP waiting lists and generate savings

to health budget, says ASMI budget submission 

The Australian Self-Medication Industry (ASMI), the industry body representing non-

prescription consumer healthcare products, today proposed measures

to generate long term

savings to health budgets by redirecting some minor ailments away from overstretched GPs.

In its budget submission released today, ASMI proposes a health education and awareness

program to highlight the choices available to consumers with minor ailments such as using the

pharmacist as a first point of contact.

The Executive Director of the Australian Self-Medication, Juliet Seifert said, “It’s a question of

whether in a 21st century health system, people need to physically visit an overburdened GP for

such things as coughs colds and sore throats. These changes would allow doctors to apply their

skills and training to best use in treating more serious conditions as well as to longer term

preventative health,” Ms Seifert said.

The proposal has been supported by one of Australia’s leading health experts, Dr Tony Hobbs, a

NSW-based GP and

former Chair of the External Reference Group for the National Primary

Health Care Strategy.

“We need a primary health care system that better encourages and supports people to look

after themselves. This will require more resources committed to improve health literacy levels

and to support people with chronic illnesses to self-manage their conditions more effectively. 

“Important enablers of this agenda will be a primary healthcare system that allows more

effective use of interactions with community pharmacy, general practice and allied health

providers with timely, secure sharing of information between providers.” 

The scale of minor ailments was highlighted in the December 2009 ‘Bettering the Evaluating

and Care of Health’ (BEACH) report, a joint study into general practice by the Australian

Institute of Health and Welfare, and the University of Sydney. It showed that of the 30 most

common ‘Reasons for Encounter’ with a GP, a total of 19 or 63 per cent comprised symptoms

such as cough, throat and back complaints, and rash. 

A separate study, commissioned by ASMI and conducted in 2008 by international


industry consultants, IMS, found that 15% of all GP consultations involve the treatment of

People Feature Australian Self Medication Industry 2 image

minor ailments, and 7% involve the treatment of minor ailments alone. When projected

nationally it equates to a total of 25 million GP consultations annually, or approximately 96,000

consultations per day. Approximately 59% of minor ailments resulted in a prescription,

suggesting almost 15 million prescriptions being provided for minor ailments.

Building on that study, health economist, David Gadiel, has estimated that the top 10 minor

ailments alone take up as much as 7% of Australia’s GP workforce - the full time equivalent of

up to 1,000 GPs. He also estimates some $260 million in ‘waste and resource misallocation’ as a

result of Medicare benefits associated with GP treatment of minor ailments.

ASMI has proposed the development of a program to promote education and awareness about

the choices available to consumers before presenting to a GP with a minor ailment. In the initial

phase, the program should have a focus on the most prevalent minor ailments, notably upper

respiratory tract infections and back pain, ahead of a later stage which could move to other


The program would focus on measures to improve health literacy to enable people to recognise

self-limiting minor ailments and help them to navigate the health system, for instance, by

promoting pharmacy as the first port of call for such cases. The program should provide for the

development of a ‘self care in practice’ booklet, website and related collateral to be made

available to consumers and healthcare professionals through schools, pharmacies, GPs and

practice nurses.

Dr Hobbs said that an important part of empowering people to self-manage their conditions is

consideration of better access

to medications. “The appropriate down-scheduling of more

medications from prescription-only to over the counter availability would facilitate this

happening. We should be informed by the developments in other OECD countries in this area,”

he said.

Ms Seifert said that even if it were possible to achieve the modest target of some 20% of GP

consultations for minor ailments shifting to self care, that would translate into some 20,000

fewer GP consultations daily.


About ASMI:  The Australian Self-Medication Industry (ASMI) is the peak industry body for the Australian self care industry

representing consumer healthcare products including over-the-counter medicines and complementary medicines. ASMI’s

mission is to promote better health through responsible self-care.  This means ensuring that safe and effective self-care

products are readily available to all Australians at a reasonable cost.  ASMI works to encourage responsible use by consumers

and an increasing role for cost-effective self-medication products as part of the broad national health strategy.

Media contact:  Bob Bowden, Foresight Communications (02) 9241 2811, 0412 753 298


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