National Herbal Medicine Week Celebrated Across Australia

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8th September 2010, 07:52pm - Views: 1697

For immediate release

"The NHAA is excited about National Herbal Medicine Week (NHMW) 2010." says President John

baxter as Australia launches into the week when everyone goes a bit herby!

September 13th to 19th celebrates NATIONAL HERBAL MEDICINE WEEK

From  the biggest herb morning tea to Lavender festivals, This annual event is held by the National

Herbalist Association of Australia and is spreading like wild herbs as a very popular event held

nation wide on the  3rd week of September every year .

The aim is to promote herbal medicine to the general public, to correct misinformation and myths

surrounding herbal medicine, to share herbal knowledge and show people the strength, potential

and value of herbal medicine.

The Event stretchs across Australia ranging from small Herbal initiatives to large community

gatherings and celebrations. this year The Eumundi Markets in Queensland are celebrating their

"All well and good day"in conjunction with NHMW.  The Adelaide Botanic gardens will hold walks

and talks at the Herb garden event. Randwick Community Organic garden have community health,

community gardens and The Findon community centre is the venue for a workshop on the herb

salvia . In Nambour there is the biggest herbal morning tea annual event whilst at Hoppers

crossing in Victoria there is an open naturopathic evening.  Talks, workshops, celebrations and

cups of warm herb tea are flowing around Australia and The NHAA invites you to join events.  

President John Baxter describes national herbal medicine week as "a high priority awareness week

on the calendars of Herbal Practitioners for several years now. It has grown from a small series of

lectures to a series of events staged by the NHAA and its members. The events range from well

organised entire day events held at venues in capital cities to smaller local events conducted by

NHAA members. The smaller events range from clinic open days to herbal morning teas and talks.

The importance of NHMW is that it gives the public an opportunity to become involved with and

develop an awareness of how herbal medicine can be of value to them and their families." 

The list of festivities continues as The Fig Tree Community Gardens celebrates "Herbs in the

Burbs" In Port Noarlunga South Australia Patrizias herbal clinic is opening its doors with a garden

tour and herb walk. In Cheltenham Victoria there are herbal tea and book sales planned as

community events and Metone invites you to a presentation on digestion, cardiovascular and

emotional wellbing topics which are all treated with herbal medicines. The Jasper Hotel in

Melbourne is host to The Australian herb Conference and Fullerton in South Australia are holding

their annual herb day . You surely need some Lavender involved in a national herbal medicine

week and the Lavender Harvest Festival is on at Shepherds Flat Victoria.

These events are sure to please you. whether you are a naturopath, herbalist, home gardener or

just love your herb teas this is a national event of significance to help people understand the

health giving benefits of herbs.  NHAA vice preseident Leah Hetchman says " get involved as

naturopaths and herbalists can partake in NHMW by holding their own events, advertising to their

local area and generally getting the message out there that herbal medicine is a great form of

treatment for everyone.  and members of the public can enjoy the events , become more

educated in herbal medicines and just have a great day out"  

Herbal medicine is growing in strength as a professionally recognised medical sector and National

herbal medicine week is one way the profession can bring herbs to the public. "There is an

increasing and ongoing interest from the medical professions and the public in herbal medicine as

Misc Miscellaneous National Herbalist Association Of Australia 1 image

science increasingly validates the use of herbal medicines to support wellness and assist in healing

disease. NHMW gives those that are interested a way to begin their exploration of the subject in an

entertaining and easy to understand way." says Preseident John baxter as he prepares to celebrate

Australias most important week in the world of herbal medicine. 

Contact media liason Dominique Finney who will organise interviews and information 0409765033


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