New Data Reveals More Than 4 In 10 Smokers Still Smoke Around Kids

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27th October 2009, 01:32pm - Views: 742

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People Feature Quit Victoria 2 image

Media Release:  Tuesday 27th October 2009

New research shows more than 4 in 10 smokers still smoke around kids 

Data released today has revealed 44% of smokers still smoke in the presence of children.  

The data, from a Cancer Council Victoria survey, shows that 56% of regular smokers do not smoke

around children while 33% reported smoking less when around children. 

Alarmingly, almost 1 in 10 smokers do not alter their smoking behaviour at all when they are around


The data also reveals that 11% of  regular smokers either usually or always smoke inside the home,

despite a child living there. 

Executive Director of Quit, Ms Fiona Sharkie said the data released underlined the importance of

continually reminding smokers of the danger of exposure to second-hand smoke, given how especially

vulnerable children are to the health impacts of second-hand smoke. 

“When you smoke around kids you are exposing them to thousands of chemicals that are, as this

campaign illustrates, eating them alive.”

“Cigarette smoke contains poisons like cyanide and carbon monoxide that trigger severe health

problems in children, including ear infections, asthma, and deadly pneumonia. Cigarette smoke is

linked to low birth weight and doubles the risk of SIDS.”

The figures also reveal that 82% of smokers who live with a child under the age of 18 reported that they

always or usually smoke outside. 

"It is fantastic that so many smokers make the effort to ensure their homes are smokefree.  By reducing

the exposure of children to situations where smoking occurs, we can ‘denormalise' smoking and help

prevent our kids from becoming future smokers," said Ms Sharkie. 

The research also looked at the reasons given by current smokers, who do not smoke at all or who

smoke less when around children, as to why they change their smoking behaviour when around


The majority of smokers said that they did not want to expose children to smoke (85%) with wanting to

set a good example was the second highest reason (50%). 

Nearly 10% of smokers admitted the reason their behaviour changed is they were not allowed to smoke

around children.  

To organise an interview with Fiona Sharkie, please contact Edwina Pearse on 03 9635 5400 or

0417 303 811

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