New Research: Time For Australia To Target Salt

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3rd February 2010, 09:31am - Views: 737

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New research: time for Australia to target salt

Media Release

Embargoed – not for publication before 00.01, 03 February 2010

New research shows that more than 70% of processed meats, cheeses and sauces contain

unacceptably high levels of salt in Australia.  Many other food products also had high levels

of salt. These findings have been released by The George Institute to coincide with World

Salt Awareness Week (1-7 Feb).

The Australian Division of World Action on Salt and Health (AWASH) is calling on the government

to take action by setting salt target levels for processed and take-away foods. 

Professor Bruce Neal, Chair of AWASH says, “Salt reduction efforts in Australia are piecemeal and

progressing too slowly.  Target levels for salt in processed and take-away foods are urgently

required.  Industry is crying out for a level playing field that everyone can work towards”.  He added,

“They’ve shown this works in the UK, and New York City has just set targets that will be applied

across the US.  We are passing up one of the greatest public health opportunities in Australia – a

recent report on the US strategy showed that reducing population salt intakes by 3 grams could

prevent up to 92,000 deaths each year.”

In the UK and the US, negotiations between government, industry and scientists have established

maximum acceptable salt levels for more than 85 categories of processed and fast foods.  Industry

then works towards achieving these targets over an agreed timeframe, typically a couple of years.  

There is overwhelming evidence that the current high levels of salt consumed in Australia causes

high blood pressure, the leading cause of stroke and a major factor in heart disease.  Most

Australians eat 8-10g of salt a day but could live healthily on just 1-2g/day.  Levels of salt in

naturally occurring foods are very low but industry adds huge amounts during the manufacturing

process.  There is growing evidence that it also causes stomach cancer, osteoporosis, obesity,

kidney stones and kidney failure.

The new research, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition this month, highlights the

wide range of salt levels in Australian processed foods and shows how they stack up against UK

targets.  The Australian food industry has achieved important reductions in some food categories

but others are still very salty.  For many food types there was a huge range in the salt content of the

saltiest product compared to the least salty, suggesting substantial scope for change.

Says Jacqui Webster, lead author of the  new research and Coordinator of AWASH, “Many people

recognise that salt is bad for health and have stopped adding salt during cooking or at the table, but

this will only get them so far.  With some three quarters of the salt we eat hidden in everyday foods

such as bread, processed meat, and take-away foods, it is very hard to make the large reductions


needed.”  She also noted that, “Australia needs to set its own salt targets.  We can get a good lead

from the UK and the US about how to do this but we urgently need the Australian food industry and

government to come to the table and figure out a local solution”.

The George Institute will ask government, industry and AWASH to meet, review the new data and

develop a plan for setting targets for salt levels for all processed and take-away foods that

contribute importantly to salt in the Australian diet.  This includes bread, processed meat products,

processed cheeses, soups and sauces, savoury snacks and biscuits, salad dressings, breakfast

cereals, pastries and most fast food and take-away meals.


For more information please contact:

   The George Institute Public Relations Manager

Emma Orpilla (02) 8238 2424 / 0410 411 983

Notes to editors:


The Australian Division of World Action on Salt and Health (AWASH) is a growing network of individuals and

organisations concerned with salt and its effects on health. The mission of AWASH is to improve the health of

Australians by achieving a gradual population-wide reduction in dietary salt consumption that will reduce

cardiovascular diseases and other salt-related health problems. 


AWASH has been working closely with the food industry and many companies have made commitments to reduce

salt in foods (see separate information sheet on industry action to date).


The new research is published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 

Webster J, Dunford E, Neal B. A systematic survey of the sodium contents of processed foods. Am J Clin Nutr.



World Salt Awareness Week is an initiative of World Action on Salt and Health and this year’s theme is Salt and Your


New research shows reducing population salt intakes by 3g could avert up to 92,000 deaths in the US. See: Bibbins-

Domingo K, Chertow GM, Coxson PG, Moran A, Lightwood JM, Pletcher MJ, et al. Projected Effect of Dietary Salt

Reductions on Future Cardiovascular Disease. N Engl J Med.  January 20, 2010.


To find out more about the UK Food Standards Agency salt reduction targets, see


To find out more about the New York City Salt Reduction Initiative see


This press release has been issued by the AWASH Secretariat, which coordinates the day–to-day activities of

AWASH and takes final responsibility for all outputs from AWASH.  The Secretariat is informed by an Advisory Group

which comprises a larger set of individuals with expertise in a range of different areas pertinent to the activities of



Salt Awareness Week information packs are available on request. These include a brochure, poster and information

sheet on Salt and Your Health. For more information visit

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