Nurse Practitioners Applaud Access To Pharmaceutical And Medical Benefits Scheme Rebates For Their P

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12th May 2009, 10:38pm - Views: 663

Government Government The Australian College Of Nurse Practitioners 1 image

Media Release 

Nurse Practitioners applaud access to Pharmaceutical and

Medical Benefits Scheme rebates for their patients 

The Australian College of Nurse Practitioners (ACNP) congratulates the

Rudd Government on their visionary decision to approve nurse

practitioners to prescribe within the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

(PBS) and for patients to receive rebates from the Medical Benefits

Scheme (MBS) for diagnostic tests and referrals. 

In a breakthrough for the health of all Australians, last night the Federal

Government allocated significant funds to reimburse patient’s costs when

they receive care from nurse practitioners.

“This is a sensible decision that recognises the safe, effective and timely

care that nurse practitioners are delivering Australia-wide” said Helen

Gosby, President, ACNP.

“Nurse practitioners are already legislated and regulated in their states

and territories to prescribe medications, order diagnostic tests and refer to

specialists and this initiative is in line with contemporary practice.

“Nurse practitioners care for a range of patients and communities,

including those who are often marginalised and under-serviced. Access to

the PBS and MBS ensures equity and access to the health system and will

address inefficiencies in hospitals, general practice facilities, emergency


“This Budget demonstrates foresight and good policy. It will make better

use of our nursing workforce.”

This Budget decision re-orientates patient access to high quality nursing

care and is a positive sign that the Federal Government is committed to a

sustainable, equitable and efficient health system. The ACNP looks forward

to future reforms that support choices for patients within Australia’s health

care system.


Media contacts: Helen Gosby 0401 626 743 or Elissa O’Keefe 0421 221 926

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