Nurses Call On Independents And Liberals To Support Landmark Health

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25th October 2010, 06:52pm - Views: 1141

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The industrial and professional organisation for nurses and midwives in Australia

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media release

Nurses call on Independents and Liberals to

support landmark health reforms

25 October 2010

The Australian Nursing Federation is pleased major reforms to the health system have

finally begun with legislation that sees the Commonwealth Government take majority

funding responsibility for public hospitals.

However ANF assistant federal secretary Yvonne Chaperon called on the federal

government not to delay with release of the details, saying the long awaited legislation

needs to be explained to health workers and their patients.

“Nurses have been calling for major reforms in the health sector for a long time and

therefore welcome the introduction of legislation this week,” Ms Chaperon said. 


She said it was important the issue received endorsement from key political decision

makers. “We call on the Independent Members of Parliament and the Liberal MPs to

support the legislation in the House of Representatives.”

“It is vital that debate begin and the details of these reforms are released in order to

ensure a positive result. Nurses are the largest health workforce and must therefore

play a key role in the consultation process.”

“While we are still waiting on more detail, we support legislation that ensures

Commonwealth funding for each service at a hospital.” 

“The ANF also supports improvements in primary care and prevention. This includes

tackling major issues in the aged care sectors which will ultimately take pressure off

the hospital system into the future.” 

“Australians largely supported these reforms proposed by Labor in the 2010 election

and any measures to relieve the workplace stress and burden nurses experience in

rural and remote areas and in major metro cities will ultimately benefit all



Media Contact 

Eleni Hale, Media, (03) 9602 8522 / 0458 892 999

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