The industrial and professional organisation for 170,000 nurses and midwives in Australia
Canberra Office
Unit 3, 28 Eyre Street Kingston ACT 2604 Australia
PO Box 4239 Kingston ACT 2604 Australia
(T) + 61 2 6232 6533 (F) + 61 2 6232 6610
Melbourne Office
Level 1, 365 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
(T ) + 61 3 9602 8500 (F) + 61 3 9602 8567
ANF Journals
Australian Nursing Journal
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing
ABN 41 816 898 298
Media Release
Attention: news, health, aged care, industrial relations, politics
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Australian community continues to value nurses:
Nurses voted the most ethical and honest profession for the 15th year running
The Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) says the annual Roy Morgan
professions survey, which shows nurses are regarded as the most ethical and
honest of all professions, confirms the Australian public continues to appreciate
the benefits nurses bring to Australias health.
For 15 years nurses have been recognised as the most ethical profession, Ged
Kearney, ANF Federal Secretary said. Nurses work hard to bring effective health
care to all people, not only in hospitals, but in the community also.
The ANF, nurses and midwives want the Australian public to have equal access to
timely and effective health care from a range of health professionals; health care
which meets the needs of each individual and community.
The ANF, on behalf of its 170,000 members will continue to work with the federal
government to reform Australias health care system for the future of everybodys
health, Ms Kearney said.
Media inquiries
Ged Kearney, ANF federal secretary
0417 053 322
Lee Thomas, ANF assistant federal secretary
0419 576 590
Libby Muir, ANF communications officer
0413 834 979