Older Women - Facing Increased Homelessness

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17th July 2009, 04:39pm - Views: 874

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Older Women's Network

Older Women’s Network New South Wales Inc

87 Lower Fort Street Millers Point NSW 2000

                                                                ABN 36 992 030 904

Funded by the NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care

Project funding from the NSW Department of Health. Special Assistance from the City of Sydney

Embargoed until 20 July 1pm

Older Women’s Homelessness Set to Increase 

‘The Disappearing Age’:  uncovering homelessness of older women. 

Advance notice of launch 1pm, 20 July 2009 by Minister for Women

The Older Women’s Network NSW (OWN NSW) has expressed alarm at the neglect of

homeless older women in Australia, and believe that, despite the commitment of the Federal

Government to reducing homelessness, older women maybe neglected again.


Disappearing Age highlights the failure of the specialist homeless accommodation system to

meet the needs of older women. 

The Disappearing Age

Report will be launched by the Hon Verity Firth, NSW Minister for

Women at 1pm, 20 July 2009, at the Older Women’s Network State Conference, MacDonald

Room, Sancta Sophia College, Missenden Road, Camperdown NSW.

Violence against older women is a significant problem, with one in four women reporting

recent physical assault in their homes aged 45 years and older. Yet there is a mismatch

between the problem and the support. 

‘There are now more older women in specialist homelessness accommodation services than

older men, but not one funded service specifically for them. Less than 3% of the specialist

homelessness accommodation services funding is for single women’s services’ said Ludo

McFerran, author of the report.

‘Older women have to live with much younger women or in men’s services. They are well

down the ladder in terms of priority. This is often not safe or appropriate for them. Many of

these are women have survived a lifetime of abuse and trauma. Interesting, more older

women than younger women cite domestic violence as their main reason for needing

supported accommodation’.

OWN NSW is concerned that the Commonwealth’s definition of homelessness

underestimates the number of older homeless women, largely because of their low visibility. 

Community Health Older Women's Network 2 image

Older Women's Network

Older Women’s Network New South Wales Inc

87 Lower Fort Street Millers Point NSW 2000

                                                                ABN 36 992 030 904

P: 02 9247 7046            F: 02 9247 4202                E: info@ownnsw.org.au               W: www.ownnsw.org.au

Funded by the NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care

Project funding from the NSW Department of Health. Special Assistance from the City of Sydney

‘Older homeless women remain very hidden: it is dangerous for them to sleep rough or to stay

in boarding houses. 

“We are now undertaking a project with Homelessness NSW and St Vincent de Paul Society

to map and uncover the levels of older women’s homelessness. The important investment

being made by the Government to reduce homelessness must ensure that these older

homeless women also benefit’ said Ms McFerran

OWN NSW warns that the problem will only get worse. Predictions are that a significant

number of single women approaching the pension age are slipping down the housing

affordability ladder towards homelessness. 

‘Single women in their late fifties and early sixties have not had the time to set aside the

required levels of superannuation to ensure a comfortable retirement. Economic and social

disadvantage still means that women earn less, save less and retire on less. This is a group

at real risk of becoming the next homeless wave’ said Ms McFerran. 

Hard copies of

The Disappearing Age

will be available at the Launch. 

Ludo McFerran (Report Author) 0423231058

Dr. Sonia Laverty (Project Manger) 0408653923

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