Pbs And Mbs Access A Win For The Community And Quality Outcomes

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13th May 2009, 05:46pm - Views: 675

PBS and MBS Access a Win for the Community and Quality Outcomes

Media Release

Tuesday, 13 May 2009

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) today warmly welcomed the budget announcement by the Rudd Government of MBS and PBS access for Nurse Practitioners and Midwives.

The announcement of access to the Medicare Benefits Schedule and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme is a win for safety, quality and access for the community to a broader range of health professionals who are appropriately trained and regulated and working within their scope of practice.

"Nurse practitioners and midwives have the advantage of extensive education and significant clinical experience that equips them for working autonomously. At the same time they understand, value and practise collaborative approaches to health care. There is a significant body of national and international research that demonstrates the positive impact of nurse practitioners and midwives on health service outcomes and care." said Professor Mary Chiarella, Chairperson of the ANMC.

Until now, lack of access to MBS and PBS has prevented full implementation of the Nurse Practitioner role. Similarly lack of access to MBS and PBS and also professional indemnity insurance has effectively prevented the implementation of midwife led models of midwifery care.

"The Rudd Government and Minister for Health and Ageing, the Hon Nicola Roxon have shown their support and understanding of the contribution that nurses and midwives can and are making to the health system" said Professor Chiarella.

"At a time of unprecedented workforce shortages it is vital that the full capabilities of the nursing and midwifery workforces are utilised in order to ensure equitable access to services while maintaining the provision of safe and quality healthcare. Regulation is about the protection of the public. The fact that nurse practitioners and midwives are regulated health professionals working within established scopes of practice provides an important safeguard to the public" said Professor Chiarella.

In responding to the Maternity Services Review the Rudd Government has provided greater choice for women in maternity care by providing MBS and PBS for eligible midwives. It also supports midwives in being able to provide women with greater choice through a Government-supported professional indemnity insurance scheme for eligible midwives.

The ANMC also supports the budget announcement of measures to improve access to services in rural and remote Australia through streamlining scholarship and training programs for nurses and increasing the number of scholarships available to midwives.

Media inquiries:
Karen Cook, CEO Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council
0410 663 895 or 6274 9109

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) is the peak organisation comprising membership of all state and territory Nursing and Midwifery Regulatory Authorities (NMRAs).

SOURCE: The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council

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