Primary Health Care Reform On The National Agenda In Wa

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4th November 2010, 09:00am - Views: 1112
Primary Health Care Reform On The National Agenda In WA

4 November 2010

AGPN National Forum, Connecting care: Big ideas/Local solutions

The Federal Minister for Health and Ageing, Nicola Roxon will today provide delegates at the Australian General Practice Network's (AGPN) National Forum in Perth, with an insight into the future of primary health care in Australia.

A key platform of the Federal Government's health reforms is the development of Primary Health Care Organisations (PHCOs) or "Medicare Locals" as described by the Federal Government, and following the recent release of the Gillard Government's Medicare Locals Discussion paper on governance and functions, the Network will use the National Forum to explore further the options and possibilities around the delivery of health care services in the primary health care sector.

AGPN Chair, Dr Emil Djakic said the Forum will contribute significantly to the development of PHCOs across Australia particularly around issues pertaining to features and functions.

"Re-orientating Australia's health system away from its current hospital-centric model to a more community-based, equitable system that draws on a team of health professionals is what PHCOs are all about. PHCOs are designed to reduce the complexity and current bureaucracy of the health system to make it easier for patients to access the care they need when and where they need it.

"Many Divisions of General Practice are champing at the bit to evolve into PHCOs and to fundamentally change the interactions consumers will have with the health system. PHCOs will deliver the coordinated and integrated care that is needed to improve health outcomes of not just individuals but of a whole community as well," Dr Djakic said.

Additional Parliamentary speakers at the National Forum include:

The Federal Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Mark Butler
Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Primary Healthcare, Dr Andrew Southcott

For a copy of the National Forum program go to:

Contact: Karen Warner, Media Adviser on 0438 179 520

AGPN acknowledges the financial support of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing


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