Queensland Surgeons To Focus On Surgical Culture In The Public Sector

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29th October 2009, 12:54pm - Views: 717

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Queensland surgeons to focus on surgical

culture in the public sector

Wednesday 28 October, 2009

Queensland surgeons will gather on the Gold Coast this weekend to discuss the changing surgical culture

in the state’s public hospital sector.  The Annual State Meeting of the Royal Australasian College of

Surgeons’ Queensland Region will also focus on surgical outreach and retrieval services.

Queensland’s Deputy Premier and Minister for Health, the Hon. Paul Lucas, will address delegates on

Saturday morning, after which there will be a panel discussion and questions from the floor on issues of

current importance to surgeons.

Queensland Regional Chair, Dr Richard Lewandowski, will update delegates on international outreach

services, including the work of Operation Smile Australia – a project founded by Dr Lewandowski which

enables Australian plastic and reconstructive surgeons to work in less developed countries and to train

local medical teams.

Sunday’s proceedings will focus on the challenges facing surgeons working in Queensland’s public

hospitals.  These include issues relating to safe working hours and fatigue management, bullying, theatre

performance, surgical leadership, and workforce management.

Delegates will also examine the means by which surgeons can be retained by, or encouraged to return to,

the public hospital system.

Conference Convenor, Dr Maurice Stevens, said the diversity of the meeting’s program was remarkable. 

“In addition to our two broad themes – public hospital culture and surgical outreach – we’ve got

presentations ranging from rural surgical services and trauma delivery services to discussions on a new

Constitution for the College,” Dr Stevens said.  “We’ve even got a lecture from the College President on

rock art.”  

The Annual State Meeting runs from Friday 30 October to Sunday 1 November, and is being held at the

Hyatt Regency Sanctuary Cove.

Media inquiries: Michael Barrett, Manager Media & Public Relations – 

0429 028 933 or (03) 9249 1263



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