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RADIO GRABS: Baby Boomers Outdrink their Kids
Wednesday, 30 July 2008: A new survey reveals Australia's baby boomers are outdrinking their kids and
challenges the theory young adults are more likely to binge drink.
The latest GSK Health Index found 10% of 55 to 64 year-olds drink twenty or more standard drinks per
week, compared with just 8% of 18 to 24 year-olds.
Original (Full) Media Release available via
Telephone Grab Hotline: 1300 732 445, Menu 2, Option 2 (GSK-1962)
Spokesperson: Doctor Selwyn Fung, GSK
#1 (16 Seconds): Says Aussies are also drinking at a younger age, however baby boomers appear to be
setting the wrong example
#2 (17 Seconds): Says despite recent claims, the survey suggests young Aussies are in fact less likely to
binge drink...
#3 (15 Seconds): Says the survey highlights other concerns, including the risk of mixing alcohol with
certain medication...
- Log into AAP MediaNet for grab downloads and full media release.
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Media Enquiries & Interview Requests:
Jacqueline Lodewyke, Haystac Healthcare - (03) 8689 2230 or 0421 304 063.
Grabs produced by Radio Release - (03) 9588 2399