Real Health Lobbyists Have Their Say

Community - Health Press Release
23rd October 2009, 12:06am -
Views: 750
Real Health Lobbyists Have Their Say
The Hon. Nicola Roxon, Minister for Health, will today put aside the usual lobbying from those who run our health services and listen to the views of the people who matter most in health system reform.
The Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) will co-host a consultation with Minister Roxon on health reform directions that will be exclusively attended by health consumers and their representative groups.
CHF Chair, Antonio Russo welcomed the opportunity and commended the government for taking the time to listen to health consumers. 'In all my time advocating for a stronger voice for health consumers, this is unprecedented. Not only is the government taking health reform seriously by questioning the way economic interests drive health care services in Australia, it is also backing up its rhetoric about the importance of health consumers by supporting their input into health reform deliberations. We look forward to engaging in ongoing debate and discussion to ensure health consumers do end up with more responsive health services in the future. We are delighted that the Health Minister herself will actively participate in these discussions with us.'
The government worked collaboratively with CHF in organising the forum. More than 80 health consumers from across Australia will attend.
CHF executive director, Carol Bennett said, 'all too often those who have most to gain or lose in economic terms dominate debates about health reform. Health policy discussions seem to be about competing interests, rather than a shared commitment to providing better health services that are more responsive and accountable to health consumers. In reality, it is health consumers who should be at the centre of any discussion about health reform. Today's forum indicates this Health Minister and this government are genuinely interested in hearing the voices of health consumers.'
The CHF Health Reform Forum will be held in Canberra at the Australian National University.
For further information contact
CHF executive director,
Carol Bennett
0417 043 547,
Office 02 6273 5444.
SOURCE: Consumers Health Forum of Australia