Sir Jack And Lady Margaret Brabham Pay Tribute To Dialysis Staff

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11th February 2010, 12:30pm - Views: 663

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Media Release 

11 February 2010

Sir Jack and Lady Margaret Brabham Pay Tribute to Dialysis Staff

Sir Jack and Lady Margaret Brabham today paid a special tribute to renal nurses and staff of

dialysis units saying that their long term involvement with patients and their families created a

special bond. 

Sir Jack Brabham, Australia’s most famous and decorated racing car driver, and his wife Lady Margaret,

Patrons of Kidney Health Australia, were speaking at the official opening of a national conference on Home

Dialysis in Brisbane this morning. 

Sir Jack, who has been on dialysis for the past five years, opening the conference said, renal nurses and

others involved in dialysis units become key people in the lives of dialysis patients and their families as

patients face the difficult task of adjusting their life around three compulsory six hour visits to hospital each


And on advice to patients Sir Jack said people had to remain positive and look forward to getting on with life

and looking for good things to do which they enjoy, saying such a view can get you into trouble some times,

such as last year when without Lady Margaret’s knowledge he raced his grandson Matthew in a Go Kart.

Only to be found out when the whole event appeared on national television when Lady Margaret was


Lady Margaret Brabham, addressing the conference said, nurses and staff in renal units also provide great

support on a daily basis to carers and families with their reassurance and ongoing assistance. 

“These relationships start from day one when the patient attends for the first time and can go on for many

years with dedicated service, kindness and respect.” 

Lady Margaret also paid tribute to the staff of ambulance services and the community volunteer drivers who

assist in transporting dialysis patients to hospitals.        

Over 250 participants from the medical, nursing, technical and allied health care workers involved in caring

for patient’s doing home based dialysis therapies from Australia and New Zealand are attending the

conference.  The conference also includes a major exhibition of the latest technology which has been

developed for home dialysis. 

The conference is aimed at a major sharing of information between all parties involved in providing dialysis

services to create an awareness of options to suit their particular circumstance and capabilities.   

At the end of 2007, 9,642 people in Australia were receiving dialysis treatment.

Media Enquiries: 

Ron Smith National Media Communications Kidney Health Australia Mobile: 0417 329 201

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