Take Action On Diabetes - Get On Course

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11th January 2010, 09:00am - Views: 713

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Take Action on Diabetes - Get on course for the New Year

The most common resolutions for the New Year are to lose weight, eat healthier and increase physical activity. But

halfway through January many people’s resolve is slipping.

According to Diabetes Australia – Vic Director of Programs and Services Dr Ralph Audehm many people start off in

January with good intentions but as the year progresses their resolve is weakened and they revert to life-long unhealthy

habits which can lead to life threatening diseases. Most people need help making these changes!

“Being overweight is closely linked with developing type 2 diabetes which is something people can avoid. Dr Audehm

said. “Diabetes is serious and can have serious consequences such as heart attacks, blindness and kidney failure.” 

“There are 450 Victorians diagnosed with diabetes every week. There is no cure for type 2 diabetes, only a lifetime of

management once you have been diagnosed. People need to check their blood glucose every day, require lots of tests,

they need to see their doctors more often and require regular medication.” Dr Audehm said.

Making changes in people’s lives is often very difficult and research shows us that many people cannot do this alone.

Sixty-eight year old Noel Leslie from Lower Templestowe, who was at high risk of type 2 diabetes, was inspired by the

Life! course. “It was terrific and it clarified a lot of things for me. My doctor thought I could be pre-diabetic and referred me

to the course. It’s not been an easy task but it was the right time for me.”

“Over the past year I have lost 25 kilos, tightened five belt notches and lost 25cm from my waist. I have noticed a huge

change in my body and am keen to reach my goal weight of 88kg by the end of January. I have my goal and am sticking

to it,” Noel said.

A Life! course can help you prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes and it is free for most high risk Victorians over

50 years of age and is available in your local area. 

His Life! course facilitator Dr Virginia Boyden said “Lifestyle courses can reduce the number of new cases of type 2

diabetes by up to 58 per cent in high risk individuals. The tailored course assists you to feel better and live longer. Ask

your doctor for a referral.”

“The group dynamic worked well and the small changes that participants made led to significant results. Most of them lost

weight, improved their quality of life and reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.” Virginia said.

There are Life courses coming up all over Victoria. To assess your risk take the FREE diabetes risk test by:

Calling 13 RISK (13 7475)

Then visit your doctor and ask whether joining a local Life! course is right for you.

Diabetes Australia – Vic is coordinating the State Government funded program Life! Taking Action on Diabetes, a new

evidence-based type 2 diabetes prevention program. It is a behavioural change course which involves six 90 minute

group sessions over a period of eight months. 

Diabetes Australia – Vic is the peak consumer body and leading charity representing all people affected by diabetes and

those at risk.

For further information contact Lyn Curtis 0411 019 924

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