Tasmanian Health Consumers Invited To Speak Out About Pathology Services

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4th November 2009, 03:44pm - Views: 708
Media Release
4 November 2009

Tasmanian health consumers invited to speak out about pathology services

`Better health services result when consumers are involved in health service policy and program planning and review,' according to Carol Bennett, Executive Director of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF).

With over one hundred million pathology services funded under Medicare each year, pathology is clearly a critical health service for health consumers. It is an area where consumers have expressed concern about access, information and high out-of-pocket expenses potentially affecting the quality of healthcare.

`CHF is currently undertaking a national consultation process to provide input to Government to deliver more efficient and effective pathology practice that better meets the needs of health consumers,' Ms Bennett said.

`We are pleased to have the opportunity to invite consumers in Tasmania to come and have their say at a half day workshop in Hobart on Thursday, 26 November, 2009,' Ms Bennett said.

Consumers can register to attend by calling Emily Reed at CHF on 02 6273 5444, or access information on the CHF website at www.chf.org.au .

CHF is the peak organisation providing leadership in representing the interests of Australian healthcare consumers. It works to achieve safe, good quality, timely healthcare for all Australians, supported by the best health information and systems the country can afford.

For further comment or information:
CHF Executive Director,
Carol Bennett
02 6273 5444

Consumers shaping health in Australia
Consumers Health Forum of Australia
PO Box 3099 Manuka ACT 2603
T: 02 6273 5444
ABN 59 369 286 13

SOURCE: Consumers Health Forum of Australia
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