Taxpayers Slugged Again For Private Insurance

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11th December 2009, 02:03pm - Views: 722


11 December 2009 





“Despite long

term federal Government underfunding of public hospitals, the Private Health

Insurance industry is asking for another huge taxpayer subsidy when it asks for a $200 per year

increase in premiums,” said Dr Tim Woodruff, President, Doctors Reform Society. 

“Almost one third of the $200, or around $60 is funded by the taxpayer”, said Dr Woodruff. “Also

twenty four dollars will go into administration costs to support the grossly inefficient industry, and

the rest is available to subsidise those Australians who are lucky enough to be able to afford

private health insurance -

mainly the middle class

and the wealthy...

The 56% of Australians

who can’t afford private insurance will stay wholly dependent on an underfunded and struggling

public hospital system -

which the incoming federal Government

claimed it was going to fix -

while all Australians

will remain almost wholly dependant on the struggling public system for

serious illness and non elective surgery type care.” 

“The Productivity Commission has concluded it can’t come to a conclusion on whether private or

public hospitals are better because the Government has not forced hospitals to collect and

release the data needed but the evidence from North America is that private for profit hospitals

have higher death rates than public hospitals.” 

“So in Australia we have a Federal Government using taxes to fund richer Australians to queue

jump the public hospital waiting lists and enter private hospitals which may be more dangerous

than the public ones they’ve avoided.”

“It’s time the Government was honest with the Australian people,” said Dr Woodruff. “It should

immediately begin the gradual removal of the dangerous, inefficient and inequitable taxpayer

support for the private health insurance industry.   Its time to stop the PHI rebate charade and

get back to putting our taxes into our hospitals and health care -

not into the pockets of private

business and individuals." 

Dr Tim Woodruff                            Dr Con Costa                         

President                                         Vice President                        

Doctors Reform Society                  Ph 0418400309              

Ph 0401042619

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