The Australasian Sexual Health Conference 2009: Brisbane, September 7 - 9, 2009

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9th August 2009, 10:27pm - Views: 821

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Media Alert

For Immediate Release

What: The Australasian Sexual Health Conference 2009

When: Monday,  September 7 Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Where: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre

Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets, South Bank, 4101

The Australasian Sexual Conference 2009 is one of the foremost conferences of its

kind in the world. 

The conference will bring together some 500  delegates from Australasia, The South

Pacific and South East Asia to discuss  a  range of issues  making news  in Sexual

Health including  HPV immunology, Chlamydia. Sex Work, Sexual Assault, Sexual

Dysfunction, and Female Sexuality.

Key  Speakers include:

Dr Simon Barton, Clinical Director of the HIV and Genitourinary Medicine

Directorate,   Chelsea & Westminster Hospital since 1990. 

Dr Claudia Estcourt , Reader in Sexual Health & HIV at Barts and the

London School of Medicine and Dentistry, and Honorary Consultant at Barts

and the London NHS Trust.

Professor Ian Frazer, Director of the Diamantina Institute of Cancer

Immunology and Metabolic Medicine, a research institute of the University of

Queensland at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane.

Dr Sjoerd van der Burg, Associate professor at the department of clinical

oncology of the Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Dr Graham Neilsen, Technical Advisor, Sexual and Reproductive Health in the

Asia Pacific Regional Office of the international NGO Family Health



Further information: Michael Kessler, Media Relations, Australasian Sexual Health 

Conference 2009 

Mobile:  +34 655 792 699 (until August 17); +61 (0) 404 366 409 (August 19

September 17)


About the Organisers: 

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) is a diverse and energetic

organisation responsible for training, educating and representing over 9,000 physicians

and paediatricians in Australia and New Zealand.  

The Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine is a division of RACP which

supports groups of practitioners working in the area of Sexual Health.

The Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM) is the peak organisation of health

professionals in Australia and New Zealand who work in those areas of health

concerned with HIV. ASHM draws on its experience and expertise to contribute in the

related areas of viral hepatitis and sexual health.

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