Three Australian Aid Workers Head To Disaster Affected Samoa And Vietnam

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1st October 2009, 01:02pm - Views: 737

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Thursday 1st October, 2009

Three Australian aid workers head to disaster affected

Samoa and Vietnam

Save the Children launches Asia Pacific in Crisis Appeal

Three aid workers from Save the Children Australia are preparing to head out to disaster affected

Vietnam and Samoa as the leading child’s right agency appeals for funds to help thousands of vulnerable

children and their families across the Asia Pacific region.

Bianca Collier (VIC), and Dave Peedom (VIC) leave for disaster affected Samoa later today to provide

humanitarian assistance to thousands of people affected by the South Pacific Ocean tsunami that

devastated parts of the island nation on Wednesday.  Mike Penrose (VIC) leaves for Typhoon Ketsana

devastated Vietnam on Friday to lead a major relief effort in the three worst affected provinces.

“Children and their families have been forced from their homes and into an extremely stressful and

dangerous environment,” said Mike Penrose, Director Emergency Programs for Save the Children

Australia.  “The priority now is to provide food, clean water, shelter and medical assistance to children

and their families,” he added.

No stranger to disaster response, Mike Penrose has been involved in emergency relief operations for

most of the last fifteen years in countries including Afghanistan, Iraq , Bosnia, and Indonesia following the

Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004.  Bianca Collier has previously worked in the conflict affected province of

Darfur in Sudan, and in Sri Lanka following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.  Dave Peedam has worked in

aid and development all over the world including Central and South America as well as China and Spain.

The Asia Pacific region is in crisis following the devastating typhoon, earthquake and tsunami that have left

a trail of destruction over the past few days.  Thousands of people have been killed and millions more are

homeless throughout the Philippines, Vietnam, Samoa and West Sumatra in Indonesia.   Save the Children

is mobilising relief workers and supplies to provide humanitarian assistance in all four disaster affected

regions.  During the emergency response phase of the relief effort Save the Children will:

Deliver essential relief packages such as non-food items (blankets, plastic sheeting, mosquito

repellent, soap, toothpaste and brushes) and shelter

Distribute food

Provide health and nutrition activities

Prioritise child protection work, including Child Friendly Spaces that provide a protective

environment for children

Emergency education

Livelihood support to help families regain income and provide basic needs.

To Donate to Save the Children’s Ketsana Appeal: 

Call 1800 76 00 11

visit to make a secure online donation 

For more information, or to arrange an interview 

call Ian Woolverton on 0437 355 096

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