Time To Care About Carers - Acsa

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19th October 2009, 05:54pm - Views: 778

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ACSA Level One, 36 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205 Tel: (03) 9686 3460   

Media Release

              October 19, 2009 

Time to care about carers - ACSA

Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) applauds the millions of Australians who give

their all to caring for family and friends with special needs.

ACSA CEO Greg Mundy said Carers Week provided an opportunity for the entire community to

be reminded of the tireless devotion of ordinary people who do extraordinary things.

“These carers, like our aged care professionals who spend their working days and nights

supporting those in need of care, are becoming ever more important in our society,” Mr Mundy


“Statisticians have painted a future picture of Australia which indicates that older people will

comprise almost a quarter of our population within several decades.  These statistics are crucial

for planning ahead to provide optimum care and services, but not always the best means of

conveying a message about real people, people just like you and me.

“Carers Week is an opportunity to stop and take notice of the very real people who make such a

difference in so many lives.”

Mr Mundy said ACSA’s campaign to raise awareness about aged care professionals “Can’t do

it without you” was another step in highlighting the importance of care and support for older

Australians, and the people providing the care.

“Aged care professionals also provide respite care for carers and their families, or friends, in

addition to supporting elderly people in residential facilities or in their own homes.  However,

there is an issue with the falling hours of care provided by professional carers. The official report

on Government service provision shows a drop from more than seven hours a week to an

average of 5 – 6 hours.

Mr Mundy said proper resourcing and funding for community care services provided by the aged

care industry, was paramount if Australia is to ensure the best care and support now and in the

future.  “Realistic funding which reflects the true costs of care must be factored in to our health

and aged care sectors,” he said.

Media Contact: Chris Hornsey 0419 513 432

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