Time To Think About Vaccinations Again

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10th February 2010, 01:17pm - Views: 754

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10 February 2010

Time to think about vaccinations again

Vaccinations are usually associated with young children or travelling overseas, but immunisations

given at childhood can wear off and leave adults exposed to debilitating diseases.

In the latest edition of MedicinesTalk, the National Prescribing Service (NPS) urges parents and

grandparents to discuss their own vaccination needs with their doctor when taking children to get their


“The need for vaccinations is not confined to children,” NPS CEO Dr Lynn Weekes said.

“People aged over 50 may benefit from being vaccinated against diseases like flu, pneumococcal

disease and shingles. They may also benefit from having boosters of vaccinations like hepatitis,

whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria, which may have lost their efficacy.”

Vaccinations not only protect us from infectious diseases that can cause illness, disability and death

but they also protect the community as a whole by reducing the number of people who contract these

diseases and pass them on. 

“The most beneficial vaccinations for you will depend on your age, health and lifestyle. Talk to your

doctor about what you may need to have and how frequently they should be taken – for some it’s

every year, for others it might be every 10 years. Keep a record somewhere and ensure you follow up

when it’s time,” Dr Weekes said. 

It is particularly important those at higher risk of some illnesses keep their vaccinations up to date.

These include:

People aged over 60

People who smoke or who are overweight

People with an existing chronic disease or compromised immune system

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

For more information about vaccinations read the latest issue of MedicinesTalk at


Media enquiries to Katie Butt, NPS Media Adviser, 02 8217 8667 or kbutt@nps.org.au  

The National Prescribing Service Limited (NPS) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation for quality use of

medicines funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.

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