Two Young Mothers Go Where Roxon Fears To Tread

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15th November 2009, 08:00pm - Views: 729

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Media Release: Embargoed until 12:01am Monday 16 November 2009

Two young mothers go where Roxon fears to tread: A Report Card on local hospitals 

Sydney NSW, 16 November 2009 Australian women are once more standing up for choice,

and this time they’re using cyberspace to do it. Last week, the Deputy Prime Minister

announced the My Schools website to provide parents with information about their

children’s schools around Australia and the My Child website to provide information about

the nation’s child care centres. Today, two Aussie mums are launching My Birth, a website

providing information about the birth services available to Australian women. 

“Today two young mothers have done what the health professionals and the government

don’t seem able to do - they have given women easy access to statistics and information

about their local maternity services. The government has promised to make school data

transparent - now it is time to make hospital, doctor and midwife data transparent."

(Associate Professor Hannah Dahlen, Vice President, Australian College of Midwives)

My Birth,, provides crucial information for parents-to-be in deciding

what birth service to use, including the birth service statistics of their local hospital, such as

the percentage of births by caesarean or induction. Website founders Michelle Meares and

Jennifer Brown state, “Women have a right to know what to expect when they choose a care

provider and a place to birth their children. Sadly at present we are unable to provide the

statistics for all States and Territories as they are not publicly released. We call on the

Federal Government to release them for all Australian hospitals so women can make an

informed choice.”

(Justine Caines, maternity consumer advocate and mother of seven) "Maternity health

professionals (in particular doctors) receive huge sums of public money, for their work and

insurance subsidies, they must be required to furnish their statistics, otherwise what is

being hidden?"

The legislation currently before the Senate, the Medicare for Midwives Bill will significantly

restrict women’s access to independent midwives. These are care providers with a proven

record of improving outcomes for Australia’s mothers and babies. As has consistently

happened in the past, when choice becomes restricted, there are serious implications.

Australia stands at risk of becoming an archaic centre for maternity health compared to

other countries like the Netherlands, Canada and the UK. Decisions made by the Federal

Government today will affect the birth choices available to our children tomorrow. We as a

society do not want a union (the Australian Medical Association - AMA) having the ability to

decide where and with whom an Australian woman can give birth. Midwives are a highly

skilled profession in their own right with a significantly different set of skills to doctors and

they must be recognised as such here in Australia. The legislation before the Senate fails to

do this and instead provides doctors with more control over women's births. This, we

believe, is a recipe for soaring statistics in the wrong direction. The My Birth website clearly

shows why this is a very important women’s rights issue for all women of Australia today.  

If Australian parents have the right to know the performance statistics of where their child

will be educated, then they must also have the right to know the statistics of where that

child is born, and what alternatives are available to them.

For media enquiries:     Michelle Meares 0439 645 372          Jennifer Brown 0408 621 448

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