Vic Mp Chefs Launch Healthy Barbeque For Kidney Health

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12th November 2009, 09:44am - Views: 672

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Media Release                                                                     

       12 November 2009 

Victorian MPs in All Party Healthy BBQ Cook Off 

1.00 PM Parliamentary Gardens 

Media Enquiries: Anne Wilson, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Kidney Health Australia

Mobile: 0400 165 391

Ron Smith National Media Communications Kidney Health Australia Mobile: 0417 329 201

Victorian MPs, in an all Party Cook Off in the Parliamentary Gardens, will help Kidney Health Australia

tackle obesity at the traditional Australian barbeque as part of the battle against kidney disease, which

is present in one in seven Australians.

Ted Baillieu, Leader of the Opposition will line up with Jude Perera ALP, a recent kidney transplantee,

Hugh Delahunty National Party, Colleen Hartland the Greens, and Craig Ingram an Independent Chef to

launch the healthy BBQ message in the Parliamentary Gardens at lunchtime. (1.00pm )      

Kidney Health Australia Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer Anne Wilson said Kidney Health Australia

is encouraging people to introduce healthy barbeque menus and food choices to cut the fat content of

traditional barbeques. Obesity increases the risk of kidney disease and our message to the community is to

undertake a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy weight.  

After being presented with special BIG RED BBQ aprons and tongs Members will display their cooking skills

on a new environmental and fire safe Lokkii BIG RED Bucket BBQ while receiving plenty of advice from

Kidney Health Australia’s children’s Ambassadors Billy Kidney and his companion ventriloquist Lindi Jane.       

The BIG RED BBQ the Healthy Choice initiative focuses on recipes including fruit, vegetables, fish,

chicken and smaller portions of traditional meat.  

Ms Wilson said the campaign is also aimed at Making a Noise About The Silent Killer - Chronic Kidney

Disease by making it a topic of discussion at every barbeque through the link to healthy eating and lifestyle.

Diet is a vital part of managing Kidney Disease and we have chosen to highlight the Aussie barbeque, a

traditional family, sporting and community social activity as a focus point to promote healthy eating and

encourage a greater use of fresh vegetables, fruit, fish, chicken, lean meats and salads as a preventative

measure, Ms Wilson said.  

  Billy Kidney and Lindi Jane       


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