Victorian Older Carers Are Tired And Desperate

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21st October 2010, 07:52pm - Views: 1386

Carers Victoria welcomes the release today of Anglicare's report on the needs of ageing parents who are caring for a son or daughter with a disability.

The research findings that older parent carers are exhausted after decades of caring for a son or daughter with a disability, and are experiencing social isolation and anxiety for the future is consistent with what is happening in Victoria.

Carers Victoria runs a program supporting ageing parent carers in Melbourne's west and many clients of this program are passionate about speaking out about their frustrations about limited support options and fears of an uncertain future for their sons and daughters.

The major concern for parents is "what will happen to their son or daughter when they can no longer care?"

The government's response to their needs to date is typified by the comments of Telmo Languiller, the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities. Speaking at a recent disability forum in Moonee Ponds, Mr Languiller said "The government has supported every person whose carer has dropped dead."

"Ageing parent carers will not be surprised or shocked by this comment," said Maria Bohan, CEO of Carers Victoria. "They have long felt ignored by government."

"We have heard from ageing parent carers who have tried to engage with the Minister for Community Services only to be met with closed doors."

"The next Victorian government urgently needs to invest in a range of models of housing and support, as well as programs to support ageing parent carers to make plans for the future."

(Visit for facts on Ageing Parent Carers in Victoria)

Media contact: Bernadette Garcia | 0417 385 403 | [email protected]

Carers Victoria is the statewide voice for family carers, representing and providing support to carers in the community.

SOURCE: Carers Victoria

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