Video News Release: Curves

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3rd November 2009, 07:02am - Views: 836

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People Feature Curves 2 image


Video News Release: Curves

SYDNEY, Nov. 3 /Medianet International-Asianet/--

   The following Video News Release is now available online to preview and download in broadcast quality.

Content Summary: 

* CurvesSmart data screen showing green, yellow and red lights. (Yellow = work harder Red = slow down) 

* Curves members swiping their CurvesSmart wrist tags, working out in the circuit 

* Curves member on stepper machine getting heart rate checked; data screen showing heart rate (heart rate range


Contact: Leslie Hayden, 

               t: +612-9977-6188  



Full Media Release to follow...

   Introduction of CurvesSmart in NZ:  


   Now in NZ, Curves, the world's largest fitness franchise, launches revolutionary new 'CurvesSmart' , the first ever

electronic personal trainer to regulate every workout  for a precise personal best .

   The days of slacking off in the gym are over!  Now after millions of dollars and five years in development, Curves,

the world's largest fitness franchise, and the largest in NZ, who pioneered fast fitness for women worldwide with its

30 minute workout , is trailblazing again.  This time, it's CurvesSmart, which they're calling the most advanced

fitness technology in the world. 

   It's an electronic personal trainer that provides bio-feedback as your exercise to keep you on track.  Studies are

showing that it improves the intensity of your work out by 20%.

   Now available in NZ, Curves says they developed it to solve an age-old problem in the gym-inconsistent effort

when using exercise machines.  

   Sorry ladies, now with CurvesSmart there's no slacking.  If you're not working hard enough to meet your personal

fitness goals, it lets you know. It reports on your target heart rate, intensity level and range of motion and compares

them to your previous workouts.

   A green light means you're on target.  

   While still 30 minutes, this electronic trainer adds intelligence and interactivity to the circuit.  As you get stronger,

the system adjusts the workout to keep you challenged. If you haven't been meeting your goals, it decreases the

intensity to more appropriate levels.

   After each workout, you get a detailed report on your progress. 

   Curves Smart makes you work hard, but what a pay off!.  Studies show you'll lose 15% more unwanted cms with

this electronic trainer. 

   So go for the green!

People Feature Curves 3 image

   Contact: Leslie Hayden                          

                  t: +612-9977-6188  


   SOURCE: Curves

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