Visiting Science Writer Disputes Nutrition Recommendations

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8th November 2010, 07:27pm - Views: 1882
Visiting science writer disputes nutrition recommendations

An award winning science writer will tell Australia's leading nutrition and obesity experts that contrary to current recommendations, a low-fat diet is not a healthy diet.

Gary Taubes, a correspondent for the journal Science, believes dietary fat, whether saturated or not, is not a cause of obesity, heart disease, or any other chronic disease.

After seven years of research for his groundbreaking book, Good Calories, Bad Calories, Mr Taubes suggests almost everything we believe about the nature of a healthy diet is wrong.

He argues it is not fat, but carbohydrates, that make us fat and if we eat less carbohydrates we will lose weight and live longer.

Mr Taubes will present his controversial findings with leading nutrition researchers in Melbourne on November 15 and in Sydney November 16.

This will be the first time Mr Taubes has visited Australia since he gained prominence in the low-carb diet debate following the publication of his 2002 New York Times Magazine piece "What if It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?"

"For decades we have been told fat, especially saturated fat, is bad for us, and carbohydrates are better. Yet despite this, the incidence of obesity in the US and Australia have risen in the past 10 years," Mr Taubes said.

The latest Australian figures suggest 25 per cent of children aged 5-17 years and 61 per cent of adults are overweight or obese[i].

"The science tells us it is refined carbohydrates, like white flour, and sugars that are responsible for obesity and many other chronic health problems," he added.

Dairy Australia Dietitian Glenys Zucco said sometimes people limited their intake of dairy foods, particularly regular fat varieties such as whole milk and cheese, due to concerns about weight gain.

"However, recent science indicates that people with a lower intake of dairy food have a greater risk of weight gain than those with a higher dairy intake," Ms Zucco said.

"Also people who restrict their intake of calcium-rich foods such as dairy are putting their bone health at risk."

Cut the refined carbs and enjoy three serves of dairy foods (milk, cheese and yogurt) every day.

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Media enquiries:
Gary will be available for comment or interview in Melbourne on Friday, 12 November and in Sydney on Tuesday, 16 November.

To arrange an interview please contact Samantha Warren-White on: 03 9836 2167 ext.2 / 0488 705 252 or via [email protected]

i Australian Institute of Health and Welfares June 2010 report: Australia's Health 2010

SOURCE: Dairy Australia

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