Wearable Kidney Would Change The Kidney Patients World

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11th February 2010, 08:00am - Views: 746

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Media Release                                                

11 February 2010

Wearable Kidney would Change the Kidney Patients World

A wearable kidney, which is worn like a belt and provides continuous dialysis, would change the

lifestyle of people with failed kidneys and play a major role in the total reform of dialysis treatment in

Australia and internationally. 

Dr Carmel Hawley, Clinical Director of Haemodialysis, Princess Alexandra Hospital and Chairman of a major

conference in Brisbane on home dialysis which begins TODAY said the wearable kidney would be discussed

at the conference. The filtration device is worn on a belt around the waist and weighs approximately five

kilograms. There are four micro-pumps which are driven by standard batteries

Dr Hawley said with many patients forced to travel large distances to undertake their life preserving dialysis

treatments, often with great difficulty and cost three times a week, home dialysis will become an increasingly

important therapy for patients whose kidneys have failed, whilst they wait on average four years for a kidney

transplant. The availability of a wearable kidney would provide more flexibility.   

Figure 2 The basic principles of the WAK device (medGadget 2007) 

The wearable kidney is one example of the tremendous innovation happening in the dialysis industry which will

translate into better treatment options for patients.  However, realistically access to this device is still some

time away for our patients.  

In a report in November 2009  the Horizon Scanning Technology  Prioritising Summary for the

Federal Government of Health and Ageing said although the wearable artificial kidney (WAK) is

designed to be used for continuous renal replacement therapy 24-hours per day, seven days per

week, it would most likely to be used between 4-8 hours per day.

Dr Tim Mathew, Medical Director of Kidney Health Australia said at present there is no known cure for

kidney disease which affects one in seven Australians.  The introduction a wearable kidney as a dialysis

option for treating patients would be a major breakthrough for patient care and would improve health


NB. Xcorporeal Inc (United States) provides the wearable artificial kidney (WAK) with the aim of providing portable continuous and

unobtrusive dialysis. The technology would be available through nephrologists for patients with chronic kidney disease

Media Enquiries: 

Dr Carmel Hawley, Department of Nephrology, Princess Alexandra Hospital 0419 641 186

Dr Tim Mathew, Medical Director Kidney Health Australia Mobile: 0416 149 863 

Ron Smith National Media Communications Kidney Health Australia Mobile: 0417 329 201


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